Chapter 8

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I wake up at 6 a.m. like always, get up, and start dressing. I mean, today is the day that Leo will tell me his answer. Today could also be when my ex returns, which I am not ready for and probably will never be prepared for. I have to take it as it comes to me, though. I put on a pair of black jeans, a white T-shirt, and Converse. I then head to the bathroom and brush my teeth, and when I'm done, I throw on some cologne. I might as well look good and feel good before seeing my hopefully future boyfriend, but after Saturday night, I will assume I know his answer. Though I do not know for sure, I am just going not to get too excited, but I am still happy.

I got downstairs, and when I did breakfast, I sat down with my family and ate happily, having great conversations. After eating breakfast, I got up and got all my stuff for school, and I waited for Casey to finish getting ready so we could leave. She finally came down, and we headed out, got into my truck, and headed to school.

We got to school early, and we got out of the truck. Casey went with her friends, and I went to Maddie. "Today's the day," I told her, and she smiled and nodded. "I know I am so excited; I'm glad Jay is not here... You think he is coming back," She asked, and I nodded. "Maybe not today, but I think he will b-" I started, but then I saw him, my ex Jay. He was walking to the office and hadn't seen me yet. "Never mind, look," I told her and pointed in his direction, and she nodded. "We should get to our first class just in case, and then we can let Mr. Parker know in 3rd period," She said. I nodded, and we walked off together.

In the first period, we sat in silence, working on homework, and then I got a text on my phone.

Jay: Hey handsome, Can't wait to see you in 3rd.

Oh, hell no, he cannot be in my third period. I have my crush in there, and if he found out about us, he would tell everyone. I showed my phone to Maddie, and she just looked at me and took my hand to calm me down. I am scared to see what happens in the third period. I continue with my homework, trying not to think about what will happen in the following two class periods.

It was the third period, and I was terrified. I met with Maddie after the second period, and we started walking to Mr. Parker's class. When we arrived, Mr. Parker locked eyes with me, and we smiled at each other. I might not be excited for this class in general, but I am excited for after the fact. We both walk in and take our seats next to each other. While talking briefly, Mr. Parker clears his throat, and we all look up at him. "Okay, class, we have a new student, Mr. Parkinson," he stated, and I froze. Then Jay walks into the classroom and smiles, and Mr. Parker shakes his hand. "Nice to be here, sir," he said, and Leo looked around and saw me frozen, then his eyes widened, realizing who just walked into his classroom. "Why don't you sit in the back, Mr. Parkenson," he stated. Jay nodded and started walking in my direction so he could get in his seat at the back, but before he could, he stopped at my desk and leaned down to whisper something to me. "I'm back, baby. Can't wait to be together again," he said, and I felt enraged. "Go to Hell, Jay," I told him in a whisper, and he smirked, walking to his desk.

After he left, I sighed and laid my head on the table. Maddie put a hand on my back and rubbed it. "I wish he would go to hell," I told her, whispering. "I know, but let's forget about him for now," she told me, and I nodded. Then, Mr. Parker started to teach the class. He talked about random mathematical equations that I wasn't paying attention to because I was looking at his handsome face. He caught me staring at him a few times, and I had to look away, but I knew he was smiling. I also felt eyes staring at the back of my head, and I knew who it was and wanted to throw up. 

Finally, it was nearing the end of class, and we were packing our stuff. We all got up, and Jay went to say something to me, but Mr. Parker interrupted him. "Luke, stay after class, please," he said, and I nodded, making Jay growl and walk away, leaving the classroom. I stayed while everyone else left, and Leo closed the door and took my hand. "I have my answer," he said, and I smiled. "Okay, well?" I asked, and he smiled, looking at me. "Luke, be my boyfriend?" He asked, and I smiled. "Yes!" I said, smiling, and we kissed. It was passionate and perfect. It made me feel like this was all worth it. We pulled away after a minute, and he smiled at me. "Okay, you should probably start heading off to lunch," he said, smiling at me. I nodded, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and left the room. 

I ran to see Maddie, hugged her arm, and whispered into her ear, "I have a boyfriend," I told her, and she smiled, hugging me into a huge hug. "I am so happy for you," she whispered. I smiled so brightly until I saw Jay, and my smile dropped. He walked up to me and smirked: "What are ya doing, handsome?" He asked, and I glared at him. "Get away from me; we aren't together, and we will never be again, so stay away," I told him. He then glares at me and walks away. I roll my eyes, and Maddie and I sit down for lunch. 

~Time Skip to Final Class~

Finally, Football, but first, I have to find Casey. After a few minutes, I see her, run over to her, and hand her my truck keys. "So you don't have to wait for me," I tell her, smiling. "Thanks, bro!" She said and headed to her final class period. I chuckle and lead to football practice. I walk over to the field, and I see Jay. Great, this doesn't bring back some traumatic memories. He then sees me, runs around to me, and smirks. "Hey babe, I am on the team too," he said, smirking. I started to get angry. "You are not my babe; we are not together, so stay the HELL away from me," I yell at him, and the coach runs over and looks at us. "Everything okay?" He asked, and Jay smiled. "Yeah, coach, just a small disagreement," he said, and I rolled my eyes and agreed because I did not need my coach involved. "Okay then, and Parkinson, don't make him mad; he is your captain, after all," He said and walked away. "Aww, captain, huh? My man is so cute," He said to me, and I groaned. "We are not together. Just stay away from me," I told him, and I walked away. He then said, "Well, see!" I rolled my eyes.

~ Time skip cause I know nothing about Football ~

Finally, practice is done, and I am walking away, and Jay catches up to me. "Handsome, let me take you home?" He asked, and I glared at him. "NO way in hell," I told him and kept walking. Then I see Leo, and he walks over to us and smiles at me. "Hey Luke, help me with some books?" He asked, and I was about to answer, but Jay started talking. "Sorry, Mr. Parker, but he is coming with me, and I don't have the time." He said, and I looked at him.

"I already told you no! Besides, I already told him I would. That's why he needed me," I said, rolling my eyes. "Whatever, bye, handsome," He told me and then kissed my cheek, which I pushed him away, and he smirked and ran to leave. I looked at Leo, and he looked pissed. "I seriously hate him," I told him, sighing as we walked to his classroom, and he nodded. "Yeah, so do I," he said, and I smiled at him. "So what books are we getting?" I asked, and he smiled. "Not so much as books as it is folders so I can grade when I get home. Speaking of which, do you have a ride?" he asked, and I smiled and shook my head. "Casey has my keys so she could go since I had practice," I told him. "Well, let me take you home then?" he asked, and I nodded.

We get to his classroom, and he hands me some binders, and he grabs some folders and his bag, and we head to his car. We get in his car, I set his school stuff in the back, and he drives us home. We are driving home, and he holds my hand, and we talk about whatever we can think of. "So, how about we go on a date this weekend?" he asked, and I smiled. "I would like that, but we can't be seen together," I told him, and he nodded. "Then how about you come over for some tutoring, and it is a dinner date at my house instead?" he asked, and I nodded. "I'd like that," I said, smiling. He smiles back at me, and we finally arrive at his house since mine is next door. 

He parks the car, and we look at each other. "So I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked, and I nodded, smiling. We both lean in and kiss; it is the most sweet and passionate kiss I have ever had. We then start making out, and I smile, and so does he while this happens. We eventually pull apart and hug each other, smiling. "Good night, Leo," I told him. "Good night, Luke," he tells me, and we kiss one more time before I leave and head home, waving bye. I walk into the house and smile at everyone before showering and getting ready for bed. 


Did he choose that teacher over me? How dare he! I will get every inch of proof and destroy their relationship, and then Luke can be all mine. Sleep tight, my love; you'll be with me soon enough.

OMG, this is such a long chapter that you all have enjoyed. I'm sure you all know who is trying to destroy the relationship... Or do you? 

Word Count: 1821

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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