Chapter 5

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Waking up the following day, my heart hurts. After remembering what happened with Leo, I don't know what to do anymore. I then decided I needed to get up and face the day headstrong. Knowing I would see Leo or Mr. Parker, as I should be calling him since he is my teacher. I get up and throw on ripped jeans, a white T-shirt, and my black hoodie. I then head to the bathroom, fix my hair, brush my teeth, and put on my socks and Converse. I then head downstairs to see my mother cooking breakfast for my sister. She doesn't have school on Fridays, so it's just me today.

"Heading to school, Mom!" I yelled at her, and she told me goodbye. I head out to my truck and start driving to school. When I got there, my best friend, Maddie, greeted me. "Hey, Luke!" She says, smiling, and I give a half smile back. "I'm guessing dinner did not go well?" She asked, and I nodded. "Well, talk about it in class, okay?" she asked, and I nodded again, not feeling up too much.

We get to English class, sit in the back, and she looks at me. "So?" she asked, and I sighed. "So, long story short, I came out to my parents, and Leo rejected me," I told her an abridged version of events. She'll pry for more info later, but at least she knows what's wrong. "Damn, that sucks, and hold on, he rejected you? But he seemed so into you!" She whispers. "Well, because of the circumstances, he just can't take the chance, I don't know. We kissed, and everything seemed fine, but he was scared because of the whole coming out. I get it, but after that kiss, it seemed so right even though it is wrong." I said, laying my head down. She sighs. "I mean, I get it as well, but he should have thought about that before he kissed you," she states, laying her head down by mine. "Yeah, but what can we do?" I asked her. "You could try to make him jealous," she stated, and I looked at her. "How?" I asked. "Honey, you know how! We could pretend to date." She said smirking. I look at her dumbfounded. "Dude, he knows I'm gay? How could that possibly work?"I asked, and she giggled.

"Honey, you didn't know until last year when to get back the Playboy we all used to know," she said. I sighed. "Fine, only if you ask out, you know how after this is all over," I said. "Fine, I will, but only if this works," she said, pointing her finger at me. I nodded. "Oh, and text him and tell him the plan, though don't tell him who. He may be one of our good friends, but I cannot have him thinking I stole his crush," I said, smirking; she looked at me and blushed but still texted him.

/Time skip cause I'm lazy/

Okay, it is time to implement our plan, and I am super nervous. Me and I are walking towards Mr. Parker's class, and before we enter, I grab her hand, holding it while we walk into the classroom. We walk in hand in hand, and I see Mr. Parker sitting at his desk staring at us, though more staring at our hands. I look away from him and kiss Maddie on the temple; like the plan, she giggles and blushes. We go to our seats, and everyone is just looking at us, and I know why because, one, Maddie is my best friend, and two, Lilly told everyone I was gay. Everyone was supportive, so I assume they may have misheard and thought I was bi. They would be wrong, though; I think I get what they mean for the current situation.

We talked about the fake date that we would be going on tonight. Except it isn't, hence the fake. It's more of a hang-out with me, her, and our other friend. We were also laughing and talking, showing affection, and I would whisper in her ear to make her giggle and joke. I look up during this and glance at Mr. Praker, who is just staring at his, clearly pissed off. I smirk to myself because I know the plan is working. I whisper into Maddie's ear, "It's working," I tell her, and she whispers back while giggling, "I know he looks so pissed," laughing to herself, I smile and nod.

Then he starts the lesson learning about fractions, and we are all taking notes while he's talking. I leaned closer to Maddie, making sure our shoulders were touching, and it was funny watching Mr. Parker keep getting angrier each time he saw us being so close. He soon finished his lesson and made us all work on our homework. Maddie and I were working on it together, and while I was giving her tiny kisses on the cheek, she would giggle. Maddie whispered in my ear, "Got an idea. At the end of class, we kiss to make it hit home and be believable," I smirk and nod.

The bell goes off five minutes later. We all stand up, head out of the classroom, and then Mr. Parker speaks. "Luke, could you stay behind for a minute?" he asked, and I nodded. Then it was go time. "I'll see you in at Lunch, baby," I told Maddie. "Okay, babe," she says, and we lean in, kiss for 5 seconds, and then she heads out and winks at me. I then turn around and look at Mr. Parker, "How can I help you, Mr. Parker?" I asked, and he looked at me with sad eyes. "So you and Maddie are together now?" He asked, and I nodded. "Yup, it happened after I got heartbroken," I said, looking at him. He walks over and looks at me, "Luke, I'm sorry; I just don't want you to get hurt or into trouble." He said. "Yeah, well, who are you to decide? Look, I get where you are coming from. I don't want you to be in trouble either, and my dad's a cop and everything, so yeah, but don't tell me who I can and can't be with. I still have feelings for you, and you still have feelings for me. I could tell when you were looking at Me and Maddie that you wanted to be with me," I said, breathing and sighing. He looks at me and takes my hand. "I do, I do. I want to be with you more than anything, but Luke, I am your teacher, and you are my student. It won't work," He said, and I looked away. "Fine, then stay away from me, and don't talk to me, even our side of school," I said and started walking away. I then hear him whisper, "Fuck it,"

I then get stopped as he grabs my wrist, pulls me back to him, and slams his lips onto mine. I am surprised, but as soon as I go to kiss back, I decide to pull away. "We can't do this! You can not do this to me. Don't keep leading me on and then pull away from me again. If you really wanna try this and make it work, then you need to think and decide on it," I told him, and he looked at me and nodded. "Fine, you will have my decision after class Monday," he said, and I nodded and walked away, running to go find Maddie. We have our first lunch together, making it easier to find her. "Maddie!" I yell to her. "Luke, what happened?" she asked, and I took her to our seat, which, thankfully, everyone else was still getting lunch, and I told her everything.

"Holy Shit!" she yells, and I shush her. "Dude, calm down!" I whisper/scream at her. She calms down and looks at me. "So what do you think his response will be?" she asked, and I shrugged. "I have no idea, but whatever it is, I hope I can handle it," I tell her, and she nods, hugging me. I hug back, and all our friends sit with us. We all talk and eat lunch until lunch ends, and we have to return to class.

-time skip-

It's the end of the day, and I walk to my truck. I look over and see Leo talking with another teacher. I smile and wave at him, and he smiles and waves back. I then get into my truck and leave to head home. When we get there, I see my mom and dad snuggled up onto the couch together; we smile and chit-chat with my parents for a little bit. After I headed to my room, I started doing homework when I got a text from someone I never wanted to hear from again.

UNKNOWN: Hey handsome, did ya miss me?

Another chapter is done! It is getting interesting. Who do you think the person is? Also, sorry about how long it's taken me to update with school and everything its hard to write! Also, let me know what you guys want to wait to see or how to improve the story. I would love to know! THANK YOU!!

Word Count: 1554

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