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With one last projectile boost from the machine's shotgun, Gabriel was once again on his knees. This object, this thing had defeated him once more. V1 scanned Gabriel's crumpled form to determine whether he was still able to fight.

The Judge of Hell lamented his defeat, "Twice!? Beaten by an object twice!, I've only ever known the taste of victory, I-Is this my blood? Haha- I've never known such... such relief? I-I need some time to think.... We will meet again machine." He rose to his feet and began to float, "May you woes be many... and your days few..." With a flash of light, Gabriel had fled.

Silence filled the empty walls of the palace, with only V1 standing. The machine had defeated the great archangel once again,  it had once again surmounted another powerful being, from the imprisoned prime souls, greater demons and angels.
 The wall behind the organ that the archangel was playing before their battle had opened, revealing one of the many elevator shafts that led deeper into the layers of Hell.  V1 dropped down the elevator shaft and the ranking of its performance against Gabriel appeared.

TIME: 1:10.497 |  S
KILLS: 0 | S
STYLE: 5779 | S

Hitting the bottom of the elevator shaft, V1 checked with the terminal always conveniently at the shafts.  It was immediately greeted by a calm tune as it looked at the tip of the day.



Checking if there was any new weapons the terminal had for it, V1 was greeted by the usual UNDER CONSTRUCTION under the unavailable weapon variations, it left feeling almost disappointed but continued on anyway. As the exit doors opened, it was greeted by the thick red fog that seemed to be everywhere in the layer of Heresy. 

Platforms stood on monolithic spires of rock that seemed to stretch on forever into the blood red abyss, and they were laid out in a path almost. The machine maneuvered its way perfectly over the platforms, as it had done countless times before in previous layers.  As it progressed down the path of platforms, a gargantuan structure began to take shape out of the fog,  as V1 drew closer to the structure it was revealed to be a massive castle. Deep crimson windows with intricate patterns decorated the walls of the castle, blood seemed to run within the very rock that the castle was built from, it seeped out of small cracks in the walls and flowed out and off into the abyss below.  V1 was finally up close to the structure, searching all around the exterior but could not find a proper entrance. 

Inspecting the rocky walls once again, a heavily cracked section of wall seemed to be weak enough to blow through. Pulling out it's shotgun V1 began projectile boosting the pellets to destroy the wall, the blood seeping through the rocks began to flow out faster and faster as more rocks were blown out from the constant bombardment of the machine. V1 stopped its bombardment and now inspected the large hole it had left, as it walked deeper into the rocky walls, flesh began to replace the rocky material on the outside. Limbs seemed to droop out of the walls, eyes were strewn about the walls and looked frantically around, bones jutted out at sharp angles and the flesh composing the wall pulsated, as if it was alive.  V1 slid through the fleshy hallway, as the eyes in the walls watched and the limbs attempted to reach out and grab the machine, but at the speed it was going any limbs that tried to grab onto it were ripped clean off the walls. 

Upon reaching the interior of the structure, the place had definitely looked like it had seen better days, the dark onyx that made up the floor was cracked in many places and through the cracks the flesh had been seen in the tunnel that the machine had made were also present, stone pillars were either standing or totally wrecked and were lying on the floor. Blood red light shined through the ornate windows, dead demons of all varieties lay lifeless all across the interior.  Filth, Husks,Schisms and Soldiers were in bloody pieces all over the floor, Malicious Faces lay lifeless and embedded in the ground, Cerberuses were in stony bits strewn about. Even machines were part of the corpses, Swordsmachines lay ripped apart and their mechanical parts all splayed out of their corpses, Sentries were snapped in half or mangled beyond recognition, Blue burnmarks were present along the floors and walls, suggesting Mindflayers detonated themselves after sustaining heavy damage.

When Oil runs Red (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now