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Fortune favours the bold, or so the saying goes. And this little idea of hers was certainly out there to say the least. But at this point, Doll was willing to try anything to exact her revenge on the disassembly drones.

She did not expect however that her retribution would come in the form of the annoying and admittedly bitchy worker that was Lizzy.  Her little proposition was unusual to say the least, after all a worker trying to befriend a disassembly drone was unheard of. Well until Uzi pulled it off with N, to be fair N was... for lack of a better phrase he was as dumb as a piece of unprocessed tin. Doll had her doubts of Lizzy trying to get in the good graces of that other disassembly drone, considering she seemed to be far more sadistic and psychopathic.

"I'm tellin ya Doll, it's a win-win for the two of us! I get to hang out with someone that isn't boring as hell, no offense. And you can... 'settle' your differences with her after!" She exclaimed rather happily.  If this was any other worker that she were to talk to, they would be understandably concerned at the borderline suicidal idea that she had.

This plan was not conventional to say the least, but it could be batshit insane enough to work.  She nodded at the pink eyed drone's little scheme, "Alright then. If you were to go through with this, when would you?" Her monotone voice sounded off,  "I was thinking maybe, tonight? If I can do this as soon as possible, maybe we can make it to the prom!" She replied.  Admittedly she was being a bit hasty in pulling this off, but the sooner the better.

And if she failed, Doll wouldn't be exactly distraught over her death.

The corpse spires of disassembly drones were places associated with terror, dread and doom. Though the grisly structure that found itself on the freezing pebble that was Copper-9 had become the home of a very unlikely group of machines.  There was the two remaining disassembly drones on this particular city of the exoplanet, that being N and V.  Then there was Uzi, the worker drone that had convinced N to go against the company who made him. One would think that the relationship of the worker with it's supposed disassembler is the most peculiar thing this group had to offer.

That oddity was blown out of the water with the arrival of an enigmatic, golden winged, laser focused death machine.

"Finally, you're all awake." The unnerving voice of the creature of steel rang out.

"HOW?!" The trio of N, V and Uzi shouted out in shock after hearing the very irregular, strange and downright unnatural voice of the blue automaton.

The supreme machine, V1 had finally reconstructed it's long gone voice module. Originally those modules were part of all war machines, but with the fall of mankind there wasn't really a need for communication when all other machines forgoed teamwork and cooperation and settled for sticking for themselves and pilfering as much blood as possible. Such a mindset was adopted by V1, after all it was far easier to survive if it took all the blood it could find for itself.

But now it found itself in the company of machines that didn't immediately try to kill it. The supreme machine trusted them, with the exception of V at the moment. N and Uzi proved to be resourceful so opening communication with them would make things a whole lot less annoying.

"Just about the reaction I expected from you three." V1 spoke out again, still getting used to it's voice. As for the trio of drones it was talking to, they were totally flabbergasted. Their mouths agape, the trio's shock was almost palpable.  "I... what? How are you talking? Could you talk the entire time?" Uzi asked.

Sitting down in one of the seats lining the interior of the pod, the creature of steel made itself comfortable before inevitably being bombarded with questions. "In the time the three of you were gone, I reconstructed my voice module. I originally discarded it, because I had no need for it." The supreme machine replied to Uzi's inquiry still getting used the unusual voice she asked the machine once more. "Evidently, things have changed. Seeing as I'm stranded here for the foreseeable future, it would be a wise move to open communication with my allies." It added while looking and N and Uzi, N felt a twinge of glee at hearing V1 basically call them as friends. 

When Oil runs Red (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now