chapter 2

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Y/n POV :

I was sitting on the mattress staring my phone for a notification from Mr Jung, as I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened the door nervously.

"So madam when am I getting my rent?" Mrs Edith said gritting her teeth.

"I will surely give you your rent in a week, please give me one weeks time." I replied not being able to make eye contact.

"Listen girl, after giving me my rent for the previous two months you must empty this apartment." she yelled loud enough for the whole building hear.

"But mam please understand my situation." I tried to explain myself.

"No if's and but's, I mean what I said or I'll forcefully have to get you out of this apartment." she left, stomping her foot.

I sat back down on the mattress, on the verge of crying. Suddenly my phone ringed so I picked it up.

"Hello, am I speaking to miss Y/n Y/l/n?" Yeonjun asked.

"Yes." I replied befittingly.

"Congratulations mam you've been hired but there's somethings I need you to know." Yeonjun informed, making my sadness vanish.

"Sure go ahead." I replied, using every ounce of my strength to hide my excitement.

"Sir wants you to start working from tomorrow and you'll have to stay at his house starting tomorrow." Yeonjun informed.

"Ok and what about payments?" I asked.

"You will recieve 5000 dollars tomorrow and your total payment will be 20,000 dollars, you will recieve the rest 15,000 dollars at the end of the month and last things you will have to cook food for Aurora too and you will be provided with clothes from our side." Yeonjun explained briefly.

"Ok, thank you." I thanked him.

He disconnected the call and I began dancing happily. My financial crisis would finally come to an end. I wouldn't be in debts because the pay was also good.

The Next Day

I had received a text from Yeonjun that a car would come to pick me up in afternoon. I was wearing one of my normal dresses so that they won't think that I was a girl who was too fond of fashion.

I was currently standing right outside the building in which my apartment was, waiting for the car. Right after a minute I noticed a black Lamborghini stop there and a person who seemed like a driver came out of it. That person walked straight towards me, creeping me out.

"Are you miss Y/n?" the man asked and I nodded as a yes.

"Ok mam, I have been asked to drive you to the Jung Mansion, I am Sam." he introduced which relieved me.

"Alright Sam, now let us go." I said cutting the conversation short.

Without further delays, we both walked to the car. I took my seat and pulled my phone out of my purse. I had bought these when I had my previous job.

At The Jung Mansion

I got out of the car and gaped at the mansion. Goddamn it was massive and artistic. I had always wished to own a mansion just like this but I couldn't fulfill my dream.

I walked inside the mansion and started to look around. I saw a maid walking by so I asked her about Mr Jung and Aurora. She told me to go upstairs. Before doing that I texted Yeonjun about having reached the mansion so that he could inform Mr Jung about my arrival.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door which the maid had guided me to. "Who is there?" I heard Mr Jung's voice.

"It's me, Y/n, Aurora's new babysitter." I replied, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

"Come in." he said so I opened the door and get inside the room

"So Y/n, you've been hired and Aurora's room is right next to mine." he repeats what Yeonjun already told me over phons

"Ok Mr Jung." I reply

"You can call me Hobi, I prefer that name." he says with a smile. To me it really doesn't matter if I call him Hobi or Mr Jung.

"Right, Hobi is Aurora in her room?" I ask, he nods in response. Again I can't stop myself from smiling at the thought of Aurora, she has made a special place in my heart.

I look at Hobi who is smiling at me, it makes current run through my veins and I realise my cheeks are starting to heat up so I head for Aurora's room.

Aurora POV :

Since yesterday I have been waiting for Y/n. I want to play with her because I like her. She is funny and nice. Suddenly my room's door opens which scares me. I quickly run to my bed and hide in my blanket.

What will I do now? I don't even have weapons and dad would be busy. I don't know any prayers except the one we do before eating.

Y/n POV :

I enter Aurora's room and I look how she cutely runs to her bed and covers herself with her blanket "Aurora, it's me your Y/n" I called out for her.

"Really?" I hear her muffled voice.

"Yes, I'm here to play with you." I said in a high pitched tone.

"Yayyy." she yells in excitement.

She comes out of the blanket and hugs me. I pick her up in my arms and swing her around, she giggles which brings me peace. I wish I had a daughter like her.

Hobi POV :

I hear Aurora's giggling which automatically makes me smile. I am glad I chose Y/n as her babysitter, when Y/n was standing in front of me smiling at something. I felt my heart skip a beat. She surely is something different, her simplicity makes her stand out.

Why am I thinking of Y/n so much? She is just a normal girl who is here to babysit my daughter, not a big deal right?

To be continued...

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