chapter 6

39 11 4

The Next Day

Hobi POV :

I was at my office working as usual when I got a call, I saw the caller id and it was Taehyung so I picked it up.

"Hello hyung." Taehyung greeted.

"Hi, how've you been?" I asked.

"I'm good hyung, I called you because we all have decided to go to the bar for a reunion." he invited.

"I'll see if I can come." I replied.

"Please hyung you have to." he pleaded.

"Alright alright." I said.

After cutting the call I got back to work, I had a hectic week ahead and after that, I will be able to take a break.

At Night

I got inside my car and steered the wheel, Taehyung had texted me the bar's address in the evening. It wasn't far from my company so I kept the pace normal.

Soon I reached the bar and parked my car, I entered inside and it seemed pretty lively. I texted Taehyung that I had arrived.

I walked ahead and saw a familiar figure, I approached them and it turns out to be Jungkook, he hugged me as soon as he noticed my presence.

"Hyung you're finally here, I missed you so much." Jungkook said without letting go of me.

"Sorry, little one for not being able to catch up to you." I apologized.

"Don't be hyung because we all were also busy with our lives." Taehyung said wrapping his hand around my shoulder.

"Come on, let's drink hyung." Jimin said holding a glass of wind.

"Ya sure." I said and asked the bartender to make me a strong one. Everyone held their glass and raised it.

"To our reunion." Namjoon said and everyone repeated after him. All of us chunked down the alcohol in one go.

"Let's talk about lives, we haven't talked in a while." Jin suggested.

"Alright then." Yoongi replied.


Y/n POV :

Hobu usually comes back at this time then where is he today? I guess he must be busy with work.
I headed to Aurora's room and found her sound asleep. She looks so endearing right now. I walk towards her and peck her forehead.

I walk back downstairs and check for drinks in the refrigerator but find nothing so I brew myself a coffee.

I made myself comfortable on the sofa and open Netflix on the gigantic t.v in front of me. I decided to watch The Good Bad Mother.

At 2:00 a.m

I heard a knock on the door which startled me. I remembered that Hobi was not home yet so I walked to the door and unlocked it.

Two muscular men were carrying Hobi who seemed drunk. "Who are you?" both of them asked at the same time.

"I'm Aurora's babysitter Y/n." I introduced myself.

"I am Jimin, nice to meet you beautiful." he said and winked at me.

"And I am Jungkook, we both are his college friends." the second one introduced.

"Alright but what is wrong with Hobi?" I asked.

"We were partying at the bar and he drank more than his limit which is why he looks like this." Jimin explained.

"Fine, come on in then." I said and moved aside letting them inside. They sat on the sofa and made Hobi sit too.

"How long have you been working here Y/n?" Jimin asked.

"It's been a month since I joined." I replied.

"Gib me more alcohol." Hobi said in a drunk tone.

"No hyung, just sit there quietly please." Jungkook replied in an attempt of shushing him.

"We should be leaving now or our wives would kill us." Jimin said and stood up.

"You seem nice Y/n, we're friends from now." Jungkook declared.

"Mhm, it was great to meet you too." I said and bid them goodbye.

After they left I walked back inside and saw Hobi doing childish things which made me giggle. I want to capture a video but I don't have the right to.

But one wouldn't hurt right, I picked up my phone from the coffee table and took a picture of him, I also made a short video without him noticing. I am a terrible person.

"Y/nahh, come here." Hobi called me.

"Yes, you need anything?" I asked as I went closer. He suddenly pulled me towards him by my wrist making me flutter.

My lips were only an inch away from his, those plumpy lips of his made me want to commit this sin of kissing a married man.

I might kiss him if someone doesn't stop me

To be continued...

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