chapter 7

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Y/n POV :

Hobi was looking at me with an unknown expression, my heart was palpitating wildly. "Why did you leave me, Ella?" he said with a heartbroken look.

"I am not Ella, please leave me." I pleaded.

"Oh yes, you're Y/n." he said smiling widely.

"Yes, now please leave me." I said.

"But I want to kiss you." he admitted.

"What are you saying?" I said stammering. Someone stop me or I might give in. I controlled my dirty desires and had him sit on the sofa.

"Please Y/nahh, let me kiss you." he said childishly.

"But you're married." I said but it came out as a whisper.

"I don't care, she was a bitch, she didn't care about our child or me, she left me when I loved her." Hobi said and started to cry. I sat beside him and comforted him.

"Don't cry please." I said soothingly.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Hobi begged.

"I um no um yes." I said hesitantly.

"So is that a yes?" he asked innocently.

"Fine I'll stay with you but no touching each other okay?" I said because I am not selfish enough to steal someone's husband, even if he claims that his wife left him they aren't legally divorced.

"Alright." he replied smiling widely.

"Let me take you then." I said with a sheepish smile. I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and took him upstairs to his room.

He lies on the bed and pointed at the vacant space beside him, I hesitantly sat there as he looked at me. My previous relationship was brutal, every day I would suffer in agony but couldn't muster up the courage to break up or run away.

I still haven't recovered from that hell so I can't give a married man whom I barely know a chance.

"I'm a bad person right?" Hobi asked out of the blue.

"No of course not." I replied.

"Then why did she leave me?" he questioned and tears formed in his eyes. He was an ordinary human and just like them he buried his vulnerable side deep inside him which came out when he got drunk.

"I wish I knew." I said empathizing with him. I tried to suppress my feelings towards him but in the end, I couldn't stop myself from embracing him.

He sobbed and I just stood still in that position waiting for him to sleep. He continued mourning for almost an hour and then I heard snores indicating he had ultimately slumbered.

From what I know about him, it has been a total of ten years since he married Ella and he once uttered accidentally that he had dated her for about two years. I see heartbreak and anger at the same time in his eyes when he thinks of her. I would say he can't deny the fact that it hurt him when Ella left for whatever reason.

Again, who the fuck am I to think of this? I should keep myself away from their family matters and secrets because the more I dig deep the more I get closer to Hobi.

The Next Day

Hobi POV :

I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed them, I sat up leaning on the headboard feeling my head pound. I massaged it and groaned in pain trying to remember the previous night. Guess I drank too much and this is the result.

My gaze moved towards the door as I heard footsteps, it was Y/n who had brought soup and medicine for me. "Did I trouble you yesterday?" I asked nervously because I blabber random nonsense things when I'm drunk.

"A lot." she replied.

"Really? I'm so sorry for that." I apologized.

"I-it's alright." she stammered and handed me the tray.

"I do a lot of childish and stupid things when I am drunk." I admitted.

"I saw it myself but you did something other than that too." she uttered.

"What did I do?" I asked and gulped a spoonful of soup.

"Let's just not talk about it, maybe another time?" she said seeming embarrassed. What the fuck did I do? I just hope I didn't hurt her in any way.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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