chapter 4

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Hobi POV :

I decide to finish my work this month and then I'll have a lot of time for my darling daughter, till then Y/n will be the one taking care of her, I have been observing how Aurora has started to love Y/n's presence already.

I go to Aurora's room and find her asleep in Y/n's lap, god they look so cute together, I don't know why such thoughts have been popping in my mind.

"Well Y/n I need to go to my company for an hour or two so take care of her." I tell her.

"Ok Hobi, leave it to me." she smiles at me, her smile is addicting, very different from my wife, she had a cold personality.

I miss her sometimes but recently I have been so gathered by work that I don't even have time to miss her, I walk towards the peacefully sleeping Aurora and kiss her forehead lightly.

"Bye my love." I said softly.

"I am no one to interfere in your matters but you should try to take some time out for your daughter, she asked me if you loved her or not and also asked why don't you spend time with her." she advised.

"Y/n I am a workaholic and I actually have a lot of work to handle, I am actually trying okay?" I explained my situation.

"You should get going or you'll be late." she replied coldly which sting me each and every word she said hurt me, my daughter doesn't even think that I love her ?

I am going towards failure as a father, I need to stop this, god how can I be so terrible at being a father ?

After 2 Hours

Y/n POV :

Aurora is in her bed sleeping peacefully and I am admiring her, I was going through her stuff while she was asleep, she is a really creative girl I must say, I saw her drawings which were not just scribblings but actual drawings.

And thank god she is not like those unicorn lovers who have unicorn themed things, Aurora has nature themed things which makes me adore her even more, I head downstairs because I feel hungry, it is night time too, I will bring Aurora's dinner in her room so she doesn't get troubled.

As I head towards the kitchen I find Hobi sitting alone, I pity him for being a single father, his wife must have died or divorced him, I go towards him and take a seat right in front of him, he looks normal and not stressed out.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Ya, did you give Aurora her dinner?" he asked smiling slightly.

"I'll be taking it upstairs for her." I replied.

"And you? Did you have dinner?" he questioned.

"Not yet." I replied.

"You know what you said in the evening, it sting." he admitted his sadness.

"Well, your daughter is actually really amazing and it is an honour to be able to take care of a child like her." I told him about my thoughts for his daughter.

"I would take her with me to my company and she would keep on drawing while I worked." he said.

"Her smile is similar to yours but is she more like her mother?" I inquired more about her.

"She has her mothers facial features but her personality is nothing like her mothers." he replied genuinely.

"Really? What was your wife like then?" I asked further but he went silent making me regret my words immediately. He must be going through a lot and here I am stupidly asking him such questions.

"I'm sorry Hobi, I shouldn't have asked such a personal question." I quickly apologised.

"It isn't your fault, don't apologise." he said with the most saddest smile I had ever seen. I want to give him a hug and console him but who am I to do that? Just a stranger.

"I should go get the dinner ready, I'll be making it for the three of us." I said and stood up.

"No need Y/n I don't have appetite." he said as he sipped the wine from his glass.

"You sure?" I questioned.

"Yes, by the way thanks for being considerate." he said appreciatively, I just nod my head because I don't have the words to give him a reply. God he must be going through a pain which no one can understand.

I cook some food and take two plates, I give one last glance at Hobi who is now looking so gloomy, his sunshine face shouldn't have sadness on it.

I head towards Aurora's room with the plates, I have joined today but it feels like I have known them forever.

I want to help Hobi with his sufferings and I want Aurora to stay happy and think of what could be best for her as if she is my own daughter.

These two feel like family

To be continued...

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