chapter 5

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After A Week

Hobi POV :

It has been an exhausting week for me but because of Y/n I don't have to be tensed about Aurora. Y/n treats Aurora like her own daughter which makes me so glad on my decision of choosing her.

Today I wanted to suprise Aurora with her favourite things so I bought them and now I am back home, I wonder if she would like these. I don't know her taste that well because I haven't spend much time with her.

In Aurora's Room

Hobi POV :

I am now heading towards Aurora's room and when I get there I hear music. I hide and peek inside because the door is open, I find Aurora and Y/n care freely dancing which makes my heart flutter. Y/n looks so good while dancing, my focus is on Y/n, she has really beautiful features which again makes my heart skip a beat.

Fucking god, I should probably go inside and give Aurora her gifts. I walk into the room and smile, Y/n slightly jumps and Aurora giggles at her reaction, she paused the song and looked at me awkwardly.

"Sorry for interrupting, Aurora baby I have something for you." I said while nervously scratching the back of my head.

"Really dad?" Aurora asked curiously.

"Yes darling." I reply softly, she runs towards me while Y/n looks at her with admiration.

I pick Aurora up and give her the gifts, she looks at them carefully and her eyes light up.

She looks at me with so much love that I cannot even absorb at once. I realise just how much I love my daughter. I glance at Y/n who is smiling looking at the both of us which makes me feel happy.

"Dad, you know Y/n is so better than my actual mother." Aurora said innocently.

"You shouldn't talk like that about your mother dear." Y/n advised.

"I don't even know her so she is just a stranger to me." Aurora whined. Y/n had tensed up and I looked at Aurora who had no idea about what she had just said. Suprisingly her words didn't make me sad at all.

After all what she said was right and that's when I understand since she left me I have never actually missed her. I was just sad about Aurora not having a mother but now Y/n is someone she can look up to in that way.

I have always hated my wife for six years and I still do. I put Aurora down softly and get out of the room. I don't know why but all these realisations are coming in since Y/n has made entry in my life, is she like some guardian angel or something ?

Y/n POV :

He didn't seem sad at Aurora's words which made me even more curious about him. I don't know why I just want to know everything about these two.

What I should be doing is my job but here I am doing dumb things and I swear this curiousity of mine will be the end of me.

After A Month

It is payday finally, my hardwork is going to pay off. I knew this job was perfect for me and I can actually have a better life, I walk to Hobi's room and knock, he asks me to come in but I notice how his voice is gloomy.

"Umm Hobi actually it's pay day today soo." I said nervously playing with my necklace.

"Ohh right, I had forgotten, I'll get the money right away." he smiles and then goes to his drawer, he takes a key out of his pocket. He draws the money out and for some reason I find it charming. He comes back to me after locking the drawer and hands me the money.

"This is $25,000 I am giving you five thousand dollars extra for taking good care of Aurora." Hobi said with a smile.

"Come on Hobi, Aurora is like my own daughter, I love taking care of her, I do it for myself not for money." I replied feeling offended.

"I really appreciate your caring and loving nature for Aurora but please keep these as a gift." he pleaded.

"But Hobi." I was about to argue but he kept his finger on my lips which made me freeze. He looked at me with some kind of hope in his eyes making me nod, how could I deny a request coming from such a gentle, charming and handsome man.

Here I go again with my fantasies about Hobi, I have to control this attraction because he can't be mine.

He is a married man after all

To be continued...

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