chapter 3

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Y/n POV :

"Ok Y/n, can we play now?" she asked showing me her doe eyes.

"Ofcourse we can." I replied and pinched her nose lightly. Aurora sat on her bed and asked me to sit with her so I take a seat beside her and teach her some games which I used to play with my friends in my childhood.

After 1 Hour

Aurora slides into my lap and giggles, her cute actions make me smile "Can I ask you a question?" she asks adorably.

"Yes sweety, what is it?" I replied.

"Do you know how to dance?" she questioned innocently.

"Mhm, I can dance." I said while nodding my head continuously.

"Will you dance with me?" Aurora asked delightfully.

"Sure." I replied and grin from ear to ear. I take my phone out of my pocket and play my safe song playlist. Aurora starts dancing which again makes me smile, at first I just keep admiring her but then I join her and the whole room echoed with the loud music and laughter.

After A Few Minutes

Aurora is in my lap again and I am caressing her hair gently. She looks at me with pitiful eyes.
"Why does my dad never spend time with me?" she asked sadly and I was taken aback by her sudden question.

"Because your dad has a lot of work, he works so that you can enjoy your life." I explained politely.

"Does he love me?" she asked innocently.

"Ofcourse he does darling." I replied.

"I'll show you a painting I made for you yesterday." Aurora changed the subject. I noticed how she pronounces yesterday wrong on which I want to laugh but I didn't because I don't want her to get upset with me.

She runs towards her study table and picks her drawing book from there. She comes to me and hands me the drawing book, I open it and see how she has tried to make my potrait. I smile at her because atleast she tried to do something for me unlike the people I was surrounded by.

"How is it?" she asks.

"It is soo beautiful." I compliment it.

"I make drawings of dad and me only but this time I tried making you, I am happy that you like it." she says smiling proudly.

"Awww, you're just soo good." I pinch her cheeks.

"Y/n I'm hungry." she says and holds her stomach. I lift Aurora up in my arms and kiss her cheeks. She looks at me faking a sad look

"What do you want to eat?" I ask.

"I'll eat whatever you make for me" she replies.

"So you want to eat something made by me?" I repeat her answer to confirm.

"Yes please." she says and nods.

"So guide me to the kitchen." I said with a honey coated voice.

"Ok I'll take you there." she is still in my arms so I walk carefully. She guides the way to the kitchen. When we reach there I pull one chair from the dining table and place Aurora on it, she smiles at me.

I call one of the maids and she instructs me about everything. I grab an apron and wear it then look at Aurora who is watching me closely, that makes me smile yet again.

After Making Lunch

Hobi POV :

I had decided to work from home as I needed to make sure Aurora was getting along with Y/n and I had to be here if Y/n had something to ask about Aurora. I've been working since morning so I decide to take a small break, I stretch my arms and look at the time it is time for lunch.

I walk out of my room and head to the dining table, there I find Y/n and Aurora having lunch, they both look like mother and daughter together. I wonder what it would be like if she became Aurora's mom.

God what am I thinking, it's her first day here and I don't even know about her properly. I think I need to take a break from work for a while, I walk towards the both of them and Y/n looks at me, I pass a little smile and she smiles back. I take a seat right beside Aurora and Y/n serves me.

I have my lunch and then decide to have a little chat with Aurora before going back to work "How has your day been?" I ask gently.

"I have been playing with Y/n since she arrived." she replies cheerfully.

"Y/n she has some homework so do help her finish it." I instruct her and she nods in response.

"I hate to study." Aurora pouts angrily.

"Don't worry Hobi, I will help her, Aurora I'll make it fun for you okay?" Y/n says amiably.

"If Y/n is going to help me I will do it." Aurora says and smiles at Y/n which brings a smile on Y/n's face too, it's only been half a day and these two are bonding so good.

I am glad that they are bonding but I feel left out, I want to spend time with Aurora too. After all I am the owner of the companies so I can take a holiday whenever I want. I have people to handle the work.

Aurora is my only family and my everything. I have been so busy in my work that I didn't give time to Aurora. Fuck, why didn't I realise this sooner?

I'm so sorry my babygirl, your father has been a workaholic

To be continued...

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