Chapter 6

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Thanks to perfectlyafi for the idea later on. Love you bae! [Unedited]

Lexi's POV
"Oh my god. Yes! If only Calum and Sky broke up. Then we can start our own, operation OTP Ashler." I tell Luke as we were walking towards the music department as I knew Skyler was there. "I hope he gets better soon. He's off sick today and we can never commence operation Ashler!" He continues and I nod and I nod along sadly.

"Don't even think about trying to win me back." I hear someone speak. Someone who sounds exactly like Skyler Jackson.

Me and Luke turn the corner and see Skyler facing Calum but I only saw Sky's face and not Calum's but I am hoping he has at least a bit of sympathy piercing through his eyes.

"No. You know what? I'm not going to even bother. Trying to get you back. My feelings for you aren't like they were before and I'm proud of that. I'm fūcking in love Taylor and I'm not going to let you interfere with those feelings. This is goodbye Emma Jackson." I could sense her cringe at the sound of her middle name before Sky just huffs and walks away.

Me and Luke stare at each other with faces that say. 'Dafuq?' And Luke bends down and whispers. "I guess the fates are listening."
"Shay, Shay, Shay!!" I repeatedly shout, trying to get her attention. "What do you want Lex?" She asks insouciantly, looking up from her phone which, by the way, she really shouldn't be on as it is school hours but she's a rebel and ain't no one gonna stop her from being badāss.

Good example is, there was this bully once who was shoving a kid into a locker. Shay went behind a wall, did her magic and came out, completely bruise and cuts free, whilst trailing behind her was the bully, with a black eye, bloody nose and a swelled lump on his jaw. Like before. This is girl is a rebel and ain't no one gonna stop her from being badāss.

"I feel so bad for Sky. Calum breaking up with her and all. We need to show him who is boss." I say and Shay seems to be on the same page as me as she starts to smirk.

"We'll need Sky though for this plan to work." I continue and Shay bits down on her bottom lip. "I'll go find her. You go and do the rest." She states before running off to find out lost best friend.

Skyler's POV [May Be Triggering]
I wipe another stray tear from my face as I try to look decent again, looking at myself in the mirror inside of the bathroom. My breathing is uneven and I just don't know what to do. The room is spinning in crazy circles and I start feel lightheaded.

Class was over and I just had the time to actually process what had happened only an hour ago. In five words. I can say exactly what had happened.

Calum broke up with me

At the thought, something inside of me just snaps. My knees are jelly, my eyes sight was blurry because of the tears streaming down my face. A huge migraine hit me in the head and I started suspecting the worst.

"Wha-at if-f t-this wh-hole relationship w-was, w-was. Fake." I whisper to myself. Quiet sobs come out of my mouth as the demon inside of me starts to whispering things so bad, my little clean mind has been corrupted, turning it into something so dirty.

I was sitting there, in the corner of the bathroom for five minutes and no one has come in and my anxiety was starting to rise. The heart inside of my chest was working way too hard for its own good, just to keep me alive.

At the peak of my anxiety, yes it got way worse, the door is swinged open. "Holy fūck. Sky are you okay?" I hear Shaylin say as she enters the bathroom. Another wave of sobs wash over me as she approaches. Shay is one of the best comforters that I know. She can be so badāss sometimes and sometimes she might be as soft as a kitten.

After a few comforting words, the world around me starts to clear and my legs actually have bones in them. Who knew. "T-thanks f-for the support Shay." I stutter, pulling her into a hug. "Hey, that's what friends are for aye?"

I look at myself in the mirror and nearly break down again from the mess of which was my own reflection. I rub concealer on my face to make it look less puffy and took out my contacts from my eyes and placing them in their cases. Yes, I wear contacts and I need glasses. What's the big deal. So I put on my black glasses and straightened myself up before walking to Shay and sending her a smile.

"Oh and by the way. Can you by any chance lead me and Lexus to the principal by any chance?"
"Hello Ms. Jackson, Ms. Mitchell and Ms. Smith." Principal Fernandez says as me, Lexus and Shay walk into his office. "Hello Mr. Fernandez. Amazing to see you again and is that a new tie? It looks amazing on you." I say, dashing out the odd compliment. "Why yes it's a new tie and finally someone has a sense of style." He laughs and I do too, even though it sounded more forced than normal.

"So, me and my friends kinda wanted to have loud speaker for 20 minutes of lunch. Do you think that would be possible?" I ask as innocently as possible. He buys his bottom lip, contemplating the idea. "Ehh. I trust you. It's right here. Just knock when you want to use it." He says sternly and I could not help but grin.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Please hold up as I have an announcement. And by the way, for the teachers wondering. Yes, I did get permission from the principal." I say into the microphone that will allow my voice to travel all the way around the school. Cool aye?

"Remember that guy. Captain of the football team and my ex boyfriend. Yep. That's right. Your number one OTP has broken up." I could literally hear the gasps and whispers coming from all around the school.

"He used to be that kid who'd get wasted every single week and sleep with at least a three different girls every single day. Well, that was until I came into the story.

"Well Hood. You're can probably hear what I'm saying right now so listen up. You promised, when we were first crowned number one OTP that we would stay together forever and ever, your love eternal to me. Look where we are now and I have the necklace and video as evidence to back that up." I swear the whole school said 'Get Wreck!' To Calum at the exact same time to be honest.

"Oh and by the way. Take a look at the bulletin everyone." I sign off before turning the loudspeaker off and skipping out of the principal's office.

As I dance my way towards the bulletin, the laughter started to grow in volume as I get closer and closer to the bulletin, then there I was. Everyone laughing their āsses off because of the picture that Lexus did the honours of placing. (Picture is on the sight fyi)

I see Calum at the front, embarrassed to death because everyone was making fun of him. Lexi and Shaylin join either side of me and I lift up my left and right hand for them two to high five.
So that was that. Uhh. I don't really know what to add here.

My favourite song at this moment is 'Save Me A Spark' by Sleeping With Sirens. It's so good and it's stuck in my head so I do recommend y'all reading go and check it out!

Favourite 5SOS song currently is Permanent Vacation. Still waiting on the album guys.


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