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Third Person POV
Ashton stands in front of the black gates. Towering over his small, in comparison, body. His mother just had to move places didn't she. Before the move, Ashton was happy. Having friends and almost a girlfriend, if he just went on that date he planned. Now having moved here, he has to start again, completely from scratch.

The guy, straightened his glasses and adjusted his backpack before just walking in. As soon as Ash's presence was noticed, a tense silence fell upon the entire school. You could hear a pin drop. Ashton didn't let it get to him and he just started walking to who knows where. A hushed whisper started to form amongst the other students. The words 'Nerd' and 'Gay' started to float into Ash's ears even though he was perfectly straight. After hearing those few words, he knows that this will be a long few years.

So, Ash has been here for ten minutes and is already lost when he hears the bell ring, signalling the fact that it is in fact time for first period. Ash needed to get to room L9 and was standing in front of the door to room S13. He knows that there was no correlation but he was, like stated before, lost. Right at that moment, an angel behind him seemed to have been able to read his mind. "Hi there. Are you lost?" Is what she says. Ash turns around to see someone that has fallen from cloud nine. She had wavy, brown hair cascading down her torso and warm, brown eyes that Ash just seem to get lost in. Her beauty took over him completely that he didn't even know he was staring. "Mate, mate. Are you okay?!" She snaps in annoyance once she notices Ash's strange staring. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Totally. Fine." Ash stutters, putting on a smile. That didn't seem to make anything better as the mystery girl just raises an eyebrow before she just loses it and falls into a giggle fit. Damn that giggle is contagious, I ended laughing as well. "Alright. Can you answer my question please. Are you lost?" She repeats, going all serious and crossing her arms. Ashton flushes a deep crimson before nodding. "Hand me your schedule." She says, holding a hand out so Ash could hand her his schedule.

Their hands brushed for a fraction of a second, yet Ash never seemed to have had so many butterflies in his stomach. "Alright, you have the same thing as me for all your subjects except for History. I have Advanced Calculus then and vice versa." She rambles, staring at the boy's schedule. He wasn't listening to a word she said though. He kept focusing on her lips and fantasising about how he could be making out with her and some other things that he really shouldn't be. Then, he did start listening to her voice and that didn't make things any better. He just ended up imagining more things he shouldn't. Especially after just meeting her.

"We better head to class." Are the words that snap Ash out of his daze and he does as told. So they start walking to science in a comfortable silence that the mystery girl broke by humming to a familiar tune. "You like Blink 182?" Ash ask her, when he recognises the tune she was humming to as the all famous 'I Miss You' by, the one and only, Blink 182. She blushes a bit before answering the question. "I do. But I don't tell most people as no one here really knows the band." A million things start buzzing through his mind now. One of which was that he needs to try and hook up with her soon and maybe, just maybe those fantasies will become a reality.

"I'm so sorry for being late Ms. Laura." The girl apologises when the two of them stumble into the science lab. "I see you have the new student Ashton here with you." The teacher Ash now knows as Ms. Laura. "Yeah, stumbled upon him as I was walking to class." She explains, pushing Ashton towards Ms. Laura. "Oh you'll fit in perfectly. Take a seat on the front table right here." Ms. Laura says, pointing to a seat right in between this tall blond that had his hair in a quiff and focusing on the task in front of him and another girl who had dark, chestnut skin and shiny, black hair tied to the side in a braid. Ashton reluctantly nods before walking over and sitting down in his seat.

The two people didn't acknowledge his presence and focused on the work they had in front of them. Ashton pulls out a notebook from his bag and looks over the tall boy's shoulder to try and see what they were doing. "You gave me a scare." He shouts, causing a few people closer to them to stare.

"Oops sorry." The guy apologises looking down at his lap. "It's okay." Ash forgives patting the blond's shoulder. "I see your the new kid. Work is on the board and if your confused then ask Shaylin who is sitting right next to you." He explains, pointing to the girl who was currently focused on her work. "I'm Luke by the way." The boy, Ash now knows as Luke, introduces. "I'm Ashton. Nice to meet you."

After the miniature introduction, Ash turns around to face the board. "Word and Symbol equations." He reads aloud before looking down at his notebook and starting to answer the questions on the board.

"2Mg + 2HCl --> 2MgCl + H2" (A/N -Literally praying that's correct) Ash writes down before realising he is done. Around him, people were still working and beside him, Shaylin was stuck on that one that he has just finished. "Need help?" Ashton asks her, pointing to the last one. Shaylin just nods in disappointment. "You don't need to be sad. We all need help sometimes." Ashton smiles. Making Shaylin do the same.

"Alright. Class is dismissed." Ms. Laura tells them. Before the class all get up to go to our next lesson. "Hey! Ash!" A familiar voice chirps from behind. "Yes?" Ash ask, turning around. "I didn't even get to introduce myself properly." It was that angel from last time with Shaylin by her side.

What she said is correct, Ash didn't even get to know her name. "I'm Ashton." He says, holding out a hand for her to shake. "I'm Skyler. Nice to know your name." She replies back. Ash has fallen in love with the word 'Skyler' as soon as it fell out her mouth. She was an angel with an angelic name.

"Here is my number if you need help getting around or you just want to hang." Skyler hands Ash a post it note with a series of numbers that people now a days call a phone number. "Hey! Sky!" Some random guy shouts a little farther away. Ash sees a tall, tanned guy running up to her with a varsity jacket and blond streaks in his black hair. Next to him, there is this also tall girl who had short, choppy blonde hair. Red lipstick that could be seen from a mile away. She had this, popular aura if you will, surrounding her. Like she was queen bee of the school. Well, she probably is. "Ugh. That's Calum, my boyfriend and Taylor, a good friend of mine. She's like Queen Bee of the school or something along those lines. I'll talk to you later!" Skyler jets off without realising she has just made Ashton's heart drop to the floor at the word boyfriend. Him, seeing her and Calum all close just made him feel so jealous. But even before that, he's just jealous of the guy himself. Varsity jacket, tanned and toned body. There is a reason as to why she's dating Calum. He means that, why would Skyler go for Ash when she could be dating Mr. Hottness Calum.

He's falling way too hard and has only been here for two hours.

[A/N] - So, let me get this off my chest first. This is my first time writing in third person and you literally don't know how many times I wrote my/I instead of he/she etc. It's a pain!

So this is my new book everyone! I hope to make it short but I am very difficult at being concise so I'll just try and stick to the rule.

Shaylin is portrayed by my very good friend atelophobic- because she mentioned me in not one but two books, even though she deleted one, so I thought to mention her in one of mine on return. And yes she does have quite a big roll in the book not just a small cameo.

bookworm_swift Yes, Taylor as in Taylor Swift.

Skyler will be played by Kelli Berglund. Hence the picture on the side.

Oh, and at the time of writing this, I kinda got hit in the nose with a softball (that's totally not soft) and it was bleeding for a while. It's fine now though. Still kinda hurts :p


i think the nerd is hot ; ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now