Chapter 8

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The image of Samshton (Samantha and Ashton's ship name) just kept playing in my head as the pair left. Jealously has been coursing through my veins lately, as well as hate from Calum for cheating on me. The revenge has only helped a bit. That has been one of the worst break ups ever.

I sit with my acoustic guitar on my lap and I play a sad riff. I tend to like to express myself through music instead of other things. I probably would've written a song if I was in the mood. Tomorrow though, I need to go to school and it's getting really late. I am trying hard in school because I really want to try and graduate from high school with good grades and a scholarship if possible. I want to try and go somewhere with my life after school. Maybe pursue a music career, maybe a science related job. I don't know, just something that would get me a lot of money and a solid future.

I get up and put my guitar on it's stand before going to my room. As I walk, my phone buzzes in my pocket and I realise it was my parents.

Mum and Dad : Hi honey. Me and dad will be here in the US for longer than anticipated. We're so sorry but we might be staying here for a week or so longer.

Love you lots, Mum.

I sigh at the sight of the text whilst placing my phone on it's charging dock before crawling under my soft covers and falling into a deep sleep.


My eyes flutter open to be met with a sun that still hasn't risen yet. It was so early, but I just couldn't get myself to sleep again. So I get up and take a shower so I don't stink. Then I looked through my closet to try and find something to wear.

I run down the stairs to get myself some breakfast and pack some lunch for myself before exiting the house. It was still really early so I didn't bother to go and pick up Lexi or Shay. Getting to school early is something that I don't do a lot but when I do, I'm basically the only one there other then the odd teacher but even they don't tend to be in school that early.

The streets were empty with the sun just barely peaking over the horizon. I slipped on my headphones and let loose to the voice of Vic Fuentes in the song 'Caraphernelia'.


The dark, black gates, stand tall in front of me as I prepare for an hours wait before tutor. I enter the school and see that most of the lights were turned off except for enough to keep the place lit. It was eerie and scary, a different atmosphere to what the school is actually like. This small difference made such a large impact on the whole ambiance a school normally creates.

Again, like I said before this was not the first time I have been super early to school but there was something that was just off. I personally thought it was nothing and brushed it off.

I drop my bag in my locker, that I never really use, and took out my phone before wandering around the school. I enter this building nearly every single day. Yet, whenever I have the chance to wander around aimlessly here, there is always something new that I find. This school is filled with so many mysteries waiting to be unfolded.


People start to file in and the previously empty, eerie school is now lively and filled with chatter. I start to walk towards class as I see the place start to grow crowded. Inside was empty, everyone else still trying to enjoy as much of their freedom as possible before tutor actually starts. Well, the classroom was almost empty. I see one chair near the back who sat one person. His hair was in the usual curly, bouncy hair and his face was buried inside a Visual Arts Textbook.

"Hi Ash." I say, making him jump. "My God Sky. You scared the life out of me..." He exclaims, putting a hand on his heart. I smirk slyly before putting my things on my chair and standing beside him again. "Why is your face always behind a textbook? No matter if it's Science, Visual Arts or English." I ask him. "Because we have our exams in a month and I need to study." He says quickly before staring at the textbook once again. "Oh Ashton, what am I going to do with you." I say jokingly, rolling my eyes.

"No, I love you more." I hear a voice coo. And in comes Shaylin and Maroney. "Ooh, new couple alert." I tease, looking at the couple who were walking in. Shaylin starts blushing a deep crimson and I could see Josh turning a shade of pink too. "Aww. You two look so cute together!" Ash blurts out, looking up from his text book. Josh has a visible blush on his face now and Shay grew even more red if that was even possible. A smile formed on my face as I see them but then that smile turned into a frown. Before, it was Skylum. Just Skylum. Now it's Leki, Samshton, Jaylin/Maraylin and Skyler. I'm like the seventh wheel.

The pain hurt even more when I actually see all the pairs together. Sitting on Ash's lap was Samantha, taking an interest in his textbook which holds a subject that she doesn't even like! Then, there was Leki, sitting in the corner, stealing little kisses from each other and Jaylin cuddling at the front with me just sitting quitely behind them, headphones strapped over my ears.

Don't even get me started on Taylor and Calum. I can't even think of a ship name for them. Talum? Caylor? They don't even sound nice. The two looked horrible together for a first and I know for a fact that that ship will not sail.

And i'm hoping that Samshton will sink too

Shut up mind. But I just can't help to think that my mind that this subconscious that's living inside of me is right. Maybe I do want Samshton to sink.


Hello bubz!

So, I have a question to ask y'all. Samshton? or Ashler? What do you think should happen? Even though it's kinda obvious what is going to happen.

I'm also really sorry for not updating in so long! I've had a little difficulty with writing this. A little writers block so I apologise dearly. I still love you all so much!



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