Chapter 19 - From Sky To Sea

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That was......longer than expected. I felt terrible, better, terrible, a bit better, worse, and juuussst good enough to write this chapter. I have felt a rollercoaster of feelings through these days. This sickness was no joke, but I am better now

Space Junk Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy Music Extended - Aacro Xtensions

You start to walk towards the parts you've collected so far to weld and connect them together.

Writer: I feel like we forgot something.

Y/n(7): I agree, but what?
Y/n(7),Writer: The Waffle House song!!!

Y/n(7): How could we forget that!!!

Writer: Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! Okay, calm down, just do it now then.

Sofia(N3): Wait, a song? On the restaurant?

Y/n(7): Yeah, Sigh I had one prepared, but forgot to use and release it. Do you want to hear it while we get this working?

Everyone - Y/n(7), Writer: YEAH!!

Y/n: Alright, then. 3,2,1, ACTION!!

The Waffle House Has Gound Its New Host > MEME SONG - Kyle Allen Music

Samantha(3): Ooooh. Not bad for a restaurant's theme song.

Callie(1): Yeah! It makes me feel pumped up! In an unusual way.

Y/n(7): Laughs Glad you liked it!

Everyone works together to pick up the parts for the...what is it? A razor? Nevertheless, you weld it, screw it together, and power it on.

Y/n(7): Phew. Wipes Away Sweat Now, Captain 3, I bestow upon you, the honor of cleaning away the fuzzy ooze. Totally didn't forget about using the agent numbers at all.

Samantha(3): Will do, Agent 7. Deep Breath

Sama- Coughs - Captain 3 charges their special up, picks up the device, and swings with all their might, never leaving a piece of ooze left uncleaned.

Y/n(7): Alright, let's get over there!

You all get over there through a super jump....or running on water... Coughs You ... Coughs ...

You made sure to help Captain 3, just a lliitttlllee bit, enough for her tentacle to never have sprained.

Y/n(7): Okay, is everyone good over here?

Samantha(3) Yup, thanks for the help Agent 7!

Y/n(7): Wha- well, guess you can see through me then. Chuckles So, this is the rocket...

(The Rocket)

Y/n(7): We're going to have to scale this ENTIRE STRUCTURE.....Orrrrrrrr....

Sofia(N3): Let me guess. You're going to jump, teleport, or just speedrun this whole thing.

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