♡: 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗎𝖾

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aurora was sitting in her room playing minecraft, she was helping with a project some of her online friends needed help with, she knew some stuff about coding and offered to help

she looked around the minecraft server and saw there were two people messing around and spamming the chat in minecraft

pandascanpvp: DREAM STOPPPP
pandascanpvp: YOUR GONNA KILL ME
pandascanpvp: I'M ON HALF A HEART

aurora laughed at the chat's she read, she was exploring the server more and then saw the two players from the chat, pandas ran as dream continued to try and kill him, then pandas stopped when he saw someone in front of him, which was aurora

he stopped and stood in front of her, dream also stopped and stood in front of her

pandascanpvp: ...
starscanplay: hi :>
pandascanpvp: you make your smiley faces like that?
starscanplay: yeah! it's cool
pandascanpvp: lame
dreamonpvp: stop being mean

aurora laughed as she hit pandas minecraft character, he hit her back and it was a back-and-forth thing, they ended up messing around together on the server and having fun

dreamonpvp: want to join our group?
starscanplay: sure! who's in it?
dreamonpvp: it's just us but we're cool
starscanplay: that's fine i'll still join :>
pandascanpvp: more friends!

and then dream invited her into their discord group, they talked and played minecraft together a lot, they got along very well, she never thought she would make two new friends that day just my playing minecraft

"wait so your canadian" nick asks

"yeah, it's very snowy here sometimes but it's really cool, where are you guys from" aurora says

"i'm from texas, sometimes it snows here but not as much as canada, but it's still cool" nick says

"i'm from florida, it never snows here, never seen snow before actually" clay says

"we'll it's good some days until you get tired of snow, it's very cold, so how do you know my friends from the server" aurora says

"oh we just heard that they needed help with coding and the server and we decided to help, guessing you were told about it also" clay explained

"yeah they told me and i offered to help, i know some stuff about coding and i find it interesting, my dad had taught me some things about it" aurora says

    "yeah they told me and i offered to help, i know some stuff about coding and i find it interesting, my dad had taught me some things about it" aurora says

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"aurora that's enough for today, come and eat dinner" aurora's mom called

"i'll play tomorrow guys, i have to log off" aurora says

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