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jameshey i was wondering if you wanted to hang out today

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hey i was wondering if you wanted to hang out today

hey, i'm sorry i can't today
i promised my friends to film a video today
and it's like my job you know

oh okay
i thought you already agreed on today but i guess you forgot

wait we made plans for today
i'm sorry that i forgot

no, it's fine
i'll just cancel what i planned
hopefully i get my money back

wait no
i'll be with you, i'll just figure something out with my friends

aurorawait noi'll be with you, i'll just figure something out with my friends

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dream pov

    "have any of you guys talked to aurora today at all, she isn't responding to any of my texts or calls" dream says

    they were supposed to film a new video for dream today and they all planned it out and made sure everyone was free that day

    "no i haven't heard from her at all today" george says

    "same with me" sapnap says

    "she promised she was going to film today, she even said she made sure nothing got in her way" dream says

    aurora was always prepared for these videos with dream, she would always make sure to be there for him because he was always for her

    some may say dream was overreacting but dream had told them that this video was important

    "so we have to film tomorrow then" george asks

    "yeah fine, i'll push the video for tomorrow and we'll do it then, same time" dream says

    "yeah fine, i'll push the video for tomorrow and we'll do it then, same time" dream says

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aurora pov

    james put his hand on her thigh as he gripped her waist with his other and kissed her, moving his hand further up and underneath her skirt, she quickly pulled his hand out from under still continuing the kiss

    the sound of a phone went off, it was coming from aurora's bag, she pulled away but james quickly pulled her back for more, signaling her to ignore it

    she pulled back again to show she needed to answer it and saw that it was from dream, then saw multiple messages from him

    james rolled his eyes as he saw her pick up her phone, his head on the glass window, they were in james car

    "just ignore it, you're hanging out with me" he says

    "it's my friend, he's wondering where i am, i told you i had to film with him today" aurora says

    "youtube and all that twitch stuff isn't a real job, get a real one, these are online friends, have you even met this dream guy" james says

    youtube and twitch made her a lot of money, more than james, he doesn't even get paid as much as aurora, by a ton

    "i've had met him before, he's really cool" she says, he was, when she was younger, back when they first knew each other, she idolized dream, she thought he was really cool

    "fine then, go hang out with him" he says as he grabs his keys and starts the car

    "you can't be serious james" she says in shock, she couldn't believe this guy

    "i am, you've been worried so much about this guy and this video then you might as well be with him then, that's all you've been thinking about when your with me today" james says

    "james i'm sorry" aurora says

    "nope it's fine, enjoy playing minecraft with your friends" james says raising his voice

    "your not twelve anymore"

    "so staring acting more your age"

    aurora almost wanted to cry, she almost did, tears filled her eyes as she looked out the window while he drove her back home

    aurora almost wanted to cry, she almost did, tears filled her eyes as she looked out the window while he drove her back home

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dreamaurora are you going to come and filmit's been an hour now and you're still not onokay i know you forget things but come on

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aurora are you going to come and film
it's been an hour now and you're still not on
okay i know you forget things but come on

i'm really really really sorry i swear
i'm so stupid for ditching you for some guy

aurora you seriously missed today's video for a guy
a stream is sometimes okay but a video that you agreed on and made sure that you wouldn't miss this one for me

i know i know i'm so fucking sorry
i really am

he liked tricked me into going out with him and i gave in
i was thinking about this video the whole time and knew i shouldn't have gone out

it's fine
we're just gonna move the video to tomorrow
can you make it

yes i'm one hundred percent sure
i'll make sure i am

goodnight rory

goodnight dream

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