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dreami'm about to get to sylvees

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i'm about to get to sylvees

okay i'm already ready anyways
did you really think i was gonna be unprepared

yes, i'm being honest, yes

i'm seeing sapnap and george, why wouldn't i be prepared

you won't get prepared for me

you've seen me in like sweats and a tee
i think we got the prepared thing covered




oh shit your right

    aurora had said goodbye to sylvee and went into dreams car, she had only brought scar and any other essentials in a small backpack, she had left everything else in her car that was gonna be at sylvees till tomorrow

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aurora had said goodbye to sylvee and went into dreams car, she had only brought scar and any other essentials in a small backpack, she had left everything else in her car that was gonna be at sylvees till tomorrow

"i can't believe we're gonna meet each other all at once" aurora says

they've been friends for years and haven't had a full meetup so this meant a lot to all of them

"i can't wait to see george for the first time" dreams says

"we get to meet our boyfriends again" aurora cheered as dream laughed

"sapnap was so bored without you, having you move in is gonna be perfect for him" he says

"he misses me, i know he does even when he doesn't admit it" she says

    dream sneaked aurora through the house and made sure sapnap was in his room so he couldn't see or hear her

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dream sneaked aurora through the house and made sure sapnap was in his room so he couldn't see or hear her

they made their way into dream's room because sapnap would have to knock before coming in and they would have time to hide aurora

the plan was that sapnap would pick up george from the airport, then instead of just dream coming out it was aurora and dream, then surprise surprise everyone is happy, dream's words one hundred perfect

a knock was at dream's door, aurora quickly hid under a blanket making sure she wasn't somewhat noticeable

"george is here, he's in the front so we'll be waiting" sapnap says

"okay, i'll be out there in a bit" dream says as sapnap closes the door

aurora pulls the blanket off of her and gets off the bed, "let's go see our boyfriends" she says with a smile

"are you seriously still saying that" dream laughs

"yes, dnf is real and you guys hate to admit it, you guys will get there, just like me and sapnap" aurora laughs

they left the room and went to the front door, "you ready" dream says

"yeah, one hundred percent" aurora says

they step out the front door, once closing the door they see their shadows, this was it, they were gonna be having a full dream team meet-up after years of playing on separate screens to meeting in duos

"here comes dream now" they heard sapnap say

they walked closer and saw the expressions on their faces, both george's and sapnap's, george was excited to see dream and sapnap was surprised that aurora was here with them

"dawn" sapnap says as quickly went to her and hugged her tightly, she was here again

"hi my love" aurora says hugging him as well, they've really missed each other

"i couldn't have not been here to not complete the dream team"

"how did you get here, i didn't even know, where's your car" he asks

"dream picked me up before you left to get george, i was in his room the whole time and my car is at sylvees, plus george knew this whole time" she says

"george knew, so i was the only one who didn't know, why" he asks

"sapnap, i'm moving in with you guys" aurora says with a big smile on her face

sapnap didn't know what to say, he just hugged her again, he couldn't believe she was finally moving to florida and moving in with them

"full dream team meetup" george cheers as they all have a group hug

    "full dream team meetup" george cheers as they all have a group hug

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dreamwastaken: full dream team meet-up 4/4

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dreamwastaken: full dream team meet-up 4/4

hannahxxrose: YOUR IN FLORIDA NOW!!

sapnapinsta: dnf is real guys
aur0ra: dream and george KISSED
dreamwastaken: @aur0ra no we didn't, you guys did
georgenotfound: @dreamwastaken that's true i've seen

tommyinnit: @aurora is dnf real???
aur0ra: i'm not gonna lie to you tommy, they tried to kiss four times the whole time they've been together
dreamwastaken: as a joke!!

georgenotfound: we're the new hype house
aur0ra: if we're the hype house your charli d'ameilo
georgenotfound: then your addison rae

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