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aur0ra: are eyes look the same, that means we're cool

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aur0ra: are eyes look the same, that means we're cool

karljacobs: we are cool, more cooler than ice
aur0ra: i just got your joke

sapnapinsta: karl and aurora meet up 😦
karljacobs: she's really evil, i don't know how you survived
aur0ra: your evil! you almost tripped me and i would've landed face first
karljacobs: oh yeah 😄

quackity: not karl too 😭
aur0ra: i'm stealing your fiancés one by one
quackity: i'm no longer helping you with your crimes

karljacobs: she burnt my food!!
aur0ra: you wanted pancakes for dinner and i don't know how to make them
georgenotfound: imagine not knowing how to make pancakes
aur0ra: you made crepes you dummy

karljacobs: she burnt my food!!aur0ra: you wanted pancakes for dinner and i don't know how to make themgeorgenotfound: imagine not knowing how to make pancakesaur0ra: you made crepes you dummy

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    "karl, here are your pancakes that are not burnt" aurora says playfully rolling her eyes

    "thank you kind sir" karl laughs as he grabs something to drink

    "do you think sapnap's okay with you staying here with me"

    aurora choked on her drink as karl laughed, "why would you say that" she says

    "because i feel like you guys have something going on but aren't saying anything" karl says

    "well, we are dating but we are just letting you guys figure it out on your own while we just keep flirting, so it's kinda a secret" aurora says

    "but i mean, i'm sleeping in an extra room so i don't think he'll mind, we are just friends hanging out"

    "tomorrows gonna be fun, tomorrow we hang out and then the next day we are filming with mr beast" he says excitedly

    "what are we filming" she asks

    "the videos about us of the crew hunting down people in hide in seek, it's gonna be really fun" he says

    "the videos about us of the crew hunting down people in hide in seek, it's gonna be really fun" he says

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dawnhiii 😊

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hiii 😊

hi dawn
having fun with karl

yes a lot, we were watching anime
but i forgot what it was called but it was cool
then he painted my nails because he said my nails were plain

that sounds cool

what are you doing

i was filming a video with dream and george

oh am i interrupting i can text you later

no no it's fine
they are too busy flirting anyways

karl says they are nimrods
you're a nimrod also - karl

your the nimrod nimrod

where gonna make the brownies everyone loves
bye my love 💗

bye dawn 💗

saplingbye dawn 💗

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rory @findingrory

i'm leaving karl's and going back to indiana, i'm done

6.2k replies   23 retweets    14.2k likes

karl @honkkarl
you're still here so i don't know about that 🧍🏻
rory @findingrory
...i'm not there anymore
karl @honkkarl
who's this blonde bimbo next to me then
rory @findingrory

sapnap @sapnapalt
karl said your brownies were overrated
rory @findingrory
he's lying anyways, he still ate them and said
i needed to make more before i leave
karl @honkkarl
hmm i don't remember 🤔

dream @dreamwastaken
karl is spreading false information
about your brownies
karl @honkkarl
she said they were "special
brownies" but they weren't
rory @findingrory
KARL! don't say that, he's lying guys i swear

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