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    "wake up" karl says as he puts a speaker blasting music to the door, aurora could hear his giggles over the loud music

    "karl come on" aurora says covering her ears as she gets out of bed

    she opened the door as the music stopped, she uncovers her ears and sees karl smiling, "is this how you wake up all your guests" she says

    "nope, i just thought you should be the first" karl laughs

    "what are we doing today" she asks

    "oh we're gonna go get some breakfast first and then i'm gonna show you some cool places around here, get ready" he says leaving the door

    she closes the door and looks through the clothing options in her bag, she picks a white top with a light blue jean jacket with some grey pants, it was pretty cold in north carolina

    she changed into her clothes and left her room to go find karl, "your done, come on i'm starving" karl laughs as they leave the house

    she changed into her clothes and left her room to go find karl, "your done, come on i'm starving" karl laughs as they leave the house

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    once at the diner aurora felt this sort of feeling, as if someone was watching her, then her mind wondered

    james, her and james had first met at a diner, she had ordered her food and then james had sat with her, then everything after that was pure pain in her heart

    she knew james wasn't in north carolina, plus there was no way he would know she was here because of how she blocked him and her friends blocked him for her too

    "are you okay, i ordered your drink for you, you were like in space" karl asks her worriedly

    "i'm fine, sorry, so what are you gonna order" aurora says ignoring the fact she was paranoid

    "it's okay to say something aurora, i'm here" karl says

    "i don't want to ruin this day because of a small thing, it's okay karl" she says as she looks through the menu

    she didn't want to ruin this day with karl because of some stupid guy, she couldn't keep letting him in her head, she needed to ignore him in every way

    she didn't want to ruin this day with karl because of some stupid guy, she couldn't keep letting him in her head, she needed to ignore him in every way

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