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they had gotten back home from the beach, and a few hours later sapnap was thinking

he was thinking and needed to say something to get it off his chest

sapnap knocked on aurora's room door and wait for her to answer, when she did he went in and closed the door

"hey aurora can i talk to you" sapnap says to her

"yeah of course, what is it" aurora says as sapnap sits next to her on her bed

"it's about last year, when i started being an asshole to you, i want to tell you why i was" sapnap says

he was really really nervous, but he had to tell her the truth, he couldn't keep this secret for so long, he needed to be honest with her, they were best friends and she never knew the real reason

"after you left texas, i knew what we agreed on but i still continued to like you even when you told me we should stay as friends" he says

"then when you and dream started flirting constantly and always hanging out together while acting like you guys were dating, it did make me jealous and i always said i wasn't but i was"

"you were flirting and acting like a couple so much that i thought you liked dream and didn't care about you guys being friends, but you cared that we were"

aurora didn't know what to say, after all this time he was rude to her because she had been flirting with dream and making jokes about them dating after telling sapnap they should stay friends

now she felt like the bigger asshole

"i'm so sorry, i didn't even realize, we were in texas and happy together and then i come to florida and start doing that with dream" aurora says

"me and dream know we don't like each other, we've talked about it together and said how we just do it for fun and laughs, but i think we took it a bit far and actually made it look like we had something going on"

"the reason i was also rude was because dream had asked me if you liked anyone, then he skipped a manhunt for you, then made that tweet, so i thought he liked you" he says

"he only asked you that because he didn't want to make that tweet and then find out i'm like dating or talking to someone, but" she says then pausing

"do you still like me"

"what" sapnap says, he seemed a bit taken aback

"do you, even after all of this" she says

"i do, even after everything" he says

"i still liked you even after everything too" she says

"but i don't want things to end up messing up and then we aren't the same anymore"

"then let's not mess up" sapnap says putting a piece of her hair behind her ear and then kissing her

the movements from their bodies paced as aurora quickly straddled onto sapnap's lap wrapping her arm around his neck, she missed his lips, his soft hair

sapnap pulled her closer to him, their body's touching but the fabric from their clothes was in the way, aurora stopped the kiss and took off her shirt, "is this okay" she whispered looking into his eyes

sapnap cheeks were tinted pink, "yes" he says as aurora smiles at him and kissed him

his hands were on her thighs, not wanting to touch her, she had already known why, she grabbed one of his hands and placed it on her chest

he understood, he wanted to know if he had consent, his hands were now roaming on her body as she ran her hands through his hair

knock. knock.

their heads snapped to the door, aurora got off of sapnap's lap, "i'm changing" aurora says as she quickly grabs her shirt and pulls it on

she stumbles to the door almost tripping and opens the door so only they could see her and not sapnap on the bed

"hey there buddy, need anything" aurora says

"yeah, i was gonna ask if you knew where sapnap was, he isn't answering his phone and he's not here, but his cars here" dream says

"oh that guy, yeah, um, he went out and took an uber because he didn't feel like driving" she says

"oh okay, thanks, well goodnight rory" he says

"goodnight dream" she says as she closes the door and waits to hear him walk away

she turns away from the door, "he's gone now" aurora says as she walks to the bed pulling off her shirt as sapnap smirks

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