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they were in a discord call just talking to each other, they would just talk about their days or any plans they had upcoming, just them being 4 best friends

"sapnap, without being biased, who would you rather spend a whole day with" aurora says

dream and her were trying to see who was less boring and who was more entertaining, they both liked being competitive

"neither of you" sapnap laughed

"what come on, choose and then say why you chose that person" dream says

"fine" sapnap said, "i would choose aurora, i live with dream anyways, plus i only ever met aurora once" sapnap says then realized what he had said

"wait what" dream says, he was completely confused

"you met aurora before sapnap, you've never told us" george says just as confused as dream

"i wasn't supposed to say that" sapnap says

"it's alright, they know already" aurora says

"tell us, we want to know" dream says eagerly

"okay okay calm down" aurora says, "this was back when sapnap still lived in texas, i was lonely in indiana and sapnap suggested i go to texas, so i did" she says

"i stayed there in texas for a week and spent that time with him, it was really fun"

"you went to texas and didn't tell us, so you met sapnap before me" dream says

"we didn't say anything and we have our reason, but yeah spending time with aurora in texas was fun, she really liked the places i showed her" sapnap says

    "we didn't say anything and we have our reason, but yeah spending time with aurora in texas was fun, she really liked the places i showed her" sapnap says

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2 years ago

aurora laid on her bed, curled up, she moved out her parents a year ago and now she's in indiana, all alone

she got up and decided to see if anyone was online, she looked and only sapnap was online, she messaged him on discord and they went into a vc

"hey, you can't sleep today again" sapnap asked her

"yeah, no matter what i do i just can't, it's a part of this whole thing" aurora explains

sapnap was the only one who knew more about aurora, they would have these days where they would go into deep talks, them having each other

"did you take your meds today, is that why" sapnap asks

"i think i did, but my therapist is saying how my insomnia is coming in because of you know" she says

"then just stay up with me, i'll be here with you until you feel tired and want to sleep" he says

"you don't have to do that, you should sleep, it's 3 in the morning for you" she says

"it's okay, really, we can just talk to each other" sapnap says, "anything going on" he says

"i've been like throwing up a lot and my doctor is saying it's my medication and i've been skipping when i'm supposed to take it" aurora says

"i know i shouldn't but i hate what it's doing to me"

"i should have never moved to indiana, it's making me worse since i have no one here"

"come to texas, come here and be here with me, then you won't be alone" sapnap says

"what are you like being serious, i would but i can't, i mean, i don't want to be a burden" aurora says

"i'm serious, you should come, you won't be a burden, there's an extra room here and you could stay here as long as you want until you want to go back" sapnap says

"are you sure" aurora says

"yes, i'm completely sure, we'll be meeting for the first time" sapnap says

    "texas has been really fun, especially with you, thank you" aurora says, they were both sitting on sapnap's bed

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"texas has been really fun, especially with you, thank you" aurora says, they were both sitting on sapnap's bed

"it's been really fun with you too, it was nice to have you here" sapnap says

even with everything aurora has been through, once she got to texas sapnap made those worrying thoughts go away and pulled her out of that box she was in, she was able to have fun without feeling depressed or down

"what time is it, we've been talking for hours" he says

"what, talking to me for hours is a bad thing" aurora laughed

"what no, talking to you for hours will never be a bad thing" he said and then they got quiet for a bit

they looked at each other, into each other's eyes, then they both began to lean in, their lips pressing together as sapnap put his hand on her waist

the kiss lasted a bit until they both pulled away, "i'm sorry, i think we are better off as friends" aurora says

"yeah, we don't want to ruin this amazing friendship" he says but aurora pulls in for another kiss, then one more kiss leads to a make-out session

once aurora went back to indiana they still continued being best friends, having those deep talks, nothing was awkward between them and they decided to keep the texas trip a secret, and they didn't bring up that one particular day

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