The other side

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You were top of your class.

The smartest one in the whole school!

Even your professor - Dr. Lumbar - said you were even smarter than him and that you should be teaching his quantum physics class!

So you proudly stood up to explain the space time quantum theory to the rest of your eager to learn classmates.

For the most part - everyone in your class was paying attention.

Writing down notes and raising their hands to ask questions when appropriate.....

You were pretty popular not just for your knowledge - but for being a space baby!

You were born on this space ship.

You had never even been to Earth before!

You had seen it - flying by- but you never had the luxury of actually visiting.

Most of the students on the spaceship came from Earth.

They were shuttled to the moon, where your family's spaceship picked them up.

These were all young people eager to learn about life in space.

Everyone had participation points in the class.....except for Billie Eilish.

She just kept rolling her eyes and huffing loudly anytime you said anything.

You hated having spoiled celebrities on your spaceship.

They were always so entitled and never wanted to actually do anything, but pretend it was a vacation!

It was their money that got them on this spaceship - not their love of what's beyond their materialistic world.

"Billie?" You called, trying to get her to pay attention to your lecture.

"- What?!" She snapped as everyone in class turned to stare at her.

"Can you please give me your definition of the space time continuum?" You asked.

"The what?!" She spit.

"The space time continuum theory of general relativity?" You asked.

"........General admission?" Billie asked.

A few giggles broke out in the classroom.

Billie blushed before giving you a dirty look, like you had purposely set her up to fail with a trick question or something.

"- Hey! It's not funny! Nothing is funny! We're all here to learn!" You scolded the ones who had laughed at Billie.

Then you smiled at her, "The Space time continuum of general relativity states that -"

"- Liar!" Billie snapped, cutting you off.

"- You're dumb as shit!" The boy sitting across from Billie suddenly snorted.

"- HEY! No one in this room is dumb ok?!" You replied.

"- Except Billie! She'd probably volunteer to jump in a black hole!" The boy said, making the class giggle once more.

Billie got mad.

"- A black hoe?!" She gasped before calling the boy racist.

You had to step in between the two when the boy started cussing at Billie for daring to suggest he's racist when his mother is black.

"A black HOLE is a light cone of irreversible gravity left behind by a massive star that's collapsed upon itself!" You said to Billie, trying to give a simple explanation that she would understand.

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