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Billie wouldn't come out of the closet and it was starting to piss you off.

Clearly she was hiding in there!

You SAW her playing with your clothes!

She had her back to you, but you recognized the dress she was wearing.

It was the same white and red one she was wearing in the Polaroid you found of her inside the portable safe.

There were a lot of things in that sparkly white, black and gold metal safe that had Billie's picture engraved on the front, surrounded by gold hearts and roses.

Jewelry, candy, fresh cut roses, a locked vile of what looked like poop, and of course.... Billie Eilish's ashes.

You had flown all the way to Los Angeles, rented a car and then drove to Highland Park seven months after Billie's passing.

You thought it would be more than enough time for her elderly parents to finish grieving her.

By sheer luck - Maggie and Patrick were both outside sitting on their front porch watching their foster kids play in the yard, when you pulled up.

As soon as you showed up though, Maggie stood up and called for the two children to come inside, as she gave you a suspicious look.

You didn't blame her....

You were always getting judged by your looks.

You couldn't help it that you were a rare anomaly.

You had Heterochromia and were born with one purple eye and one cloudy blue eye.

Patrick walked down off the porch and met you at the gate - asking if he could help you.

You made small talk - asking about the rent prices in the neighborhood- as you waited for the children to go inside and Maggie to join Patrick by his side on the other side of the gate.

As soon as she joined him and asked what you two were talking about, you smiled and said, "I came here today to ask if I can have Billie's ashes."

Patrick gasped.

It was clearly too soon because Maggie's mouth dropped open in horror.

Hot tears sprung to her eyes, before she angrily wiped them away with her pale pink sweater sleeve and pointed down the road. "- GO! GO! JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE MY FAMILY THE FUCK ALONE!" She screamed.

Patrick wrapped his arms around his wife with an angry growl in your direction - telling you to get the hell off of his property before he calls the police.

"- But I can bring her spirit back to life!" You told them.

They didn't believe you.

They just assumed you were some crazy fan and they lashed out at you - Patrick telling you if you didn't leave in the next three seconds he's going into his house and getting his shotgun.

You decided to leave.

Then you just sat in your rental car, down the road, eating a sandwich and staring at their house until you decided to just steal Billie's ashes instead.

You knew exactly where they were.

Billie's old bedroom.

Maggie had put a picture of her final resting place on her instagram.

Billie's ashes were tucked away in a sparkly safe, on top of her old bed.

You had made a replica safe as a back up.

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