Birth mom

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Henry was making Rose and the kids some food.

"They lied to me, for years! How could they?!" Rose asks as she sobs in Henry's arms.

Henry tries to console her as she softly strokes her hair.

"I'm sure they had a good reason" Henry replies.

"For lying to me?! Rose scoffs as they sat down at the table to eat. "Babe, there is no excuse for lying to me"

Henry just nodded his head as they were eating their food.

Ray was calling Henry as Siri was saying his name.

"Oh look, the liars are calling" Rose says as she is annoyed and scoffed.

"Should I call him?" Henry asks his wife.

"Might as well" Rose replies as she sighed.

Henry puts the phone on FaceTime.

"What's up big dog?" Henry asks Ray.

"We got two problems, Toddler kidnapped Kin!" Ray says as he perspires profusely. Emma tosses her husband a wet rag, he slightly smiles in gratitude and wipes his face.

"Why are you nervous? We'll get them before anything happens to her" Henry assures him.

"That's not why I'm nervous, I'm nervous because she will kill them" Ray explains.

"What is the other problem?" Rose asks as she sighed.

"Oh right" Ray says in realization. "Well Charlotte unintentionally unleashed her inner She hulk and now she's on a rampage. Henry and Rose sighed when Ray explained what happened.

"We'll be right there" Rose says and Henry hangs up.

"Schwoz is making a cure and a crossbow" Emma informs them.

"Why a crossbow?" Rose inquired.

"Schwoz is going to shoot Charlotte with the cure, injecting her with it" Ray says as Schwoz grins.

"That's a great idea!" Rose exclaims happily.

"Ok, Schwoz and I will go cure Charlotte while you two rescue Kim" Ray tells Henry and Rose as they blew bubbles to transform into their suits.

"If she needs saving" Rose whispers to Henry, they got sucked up the tubs.


Rose and Henry saw Toddler and Kim sword fighting.

"Toddler!" Henry calls out, causing him to look behind him, giving Kim the opportunity to slice his head off clean with Charlotte's sword.

Goomer, Henry and Rose gasped, cover their mouths and widens their eyes in terror.

Goomer runs away screaming and crying like he always does.

Blood was spewing everywhere as Toddler's head and body slowly sank into the endless ball pit.

"What the FUCK Kim?!" Rose asked in a terrified tone as she squeezed Henry's arm.

Kim looks at them with a wicked smirk.

"He's been a pain in our asses long enough" Kim said with satisfaction in her voice.

"He was, but killing is wrong!" Henry yells.

"Someone needed to do SOMETHING to him, besides, it's a free country" Kim replies as she walks out while wielding Charlotte's swords.

Henry and Rose looked at each other worriedly.

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