~chapter 14~

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With my head against the car window, I listened in on Miles's conversation with his dad.

"Dad, I will actually die if you embarrass me again. Do you wanna know what some kids are calling me in school? Daddy's boy! They're calling me daddy's boy. Even the grades below me are making fun of me!"

"Son, I'm sure it's not that bad -"

"Dad, I can't go anywhere without people mocking me!"

As Miles's dad rolls his eyes, I try to hold in my laugh. Daddy's boy? That's wild.

"Yeah, I see you laughing, Y/n." Miles muttered at me, giving me a side glance.

"I would never laugh at your unfortunate social life!" I beamed at him cockily as if he hadn't just held me as I cried. It's crazy how friends work like that. You can have the most sad moment ever and then just move on.

Miles fully spins in his seat to look at me, imitating a hurt face with his hand on his chest, "My social life is not unfortunate!"

"Then what word would you rather me use? Ruined? Destroyed? Dead?" I mock him but slightly shiver at myself saying the word dead.

"Yeah, yeah, mock me all you want, but the second you walk into that school, you'll see just how hard it is to be liked."

"You wanna bet?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I bet.... six dollars, you won't even have five friends by the end of today." He laughed, tilting his head to the side as he watched me narrow my eyes at him, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Easy," I say, folding my arms.

"Okay, we have a bet," he grinned, holding out his hand to shake.

"No. Pinky promise instead," I say seriously, "it's much more secure."
I need these six dollars, I could get some gum.

"A pinky promise is more secure?" He half smiled, looking me dead in the eyes as I held out my pinky.

"Duh! Everyone knows that."

As he took his pinky in mine, I heard him mutter something under his breath.
"God, you're so cute."
It was quiet, and he obviously didn't mean for anyone to hear it, but I did. My stomach flipped sideways as I widened my eyes.

All I could do was stare at him as he shook his pinky with mine, looking up with a smile, clearly oblivious to the fact I had heard him. God, this boy.

His eyes flicked between mine and then the window, which caused him to let go of my pinky and fully lean back to his seat to unbuckle his seat belt.

"We're here!" His dad siad joyously. A part of me feeling like he couldn't wait to have the two of us off his hands.

"Dad, drive down a bit more so no one sees me getting out of this car."

"Miles, are you serious?"

"Yeah dad just-"

"No boy, be happy I didn't make you walk here! Diesel isn't cheap nowadays, you know that, right? Now I'm not wasting my POLICE cars fuel on driving a little bit down the road so my son doesn't get embarrassed for having loving parents!"

Miles slumped back in his seat halfway throughout his dad's speech, shooting me a "Is he serious right now?" look before putting his face in his hands.

"Dad, okay." He groaned, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
"So dramatic," I heard Miles mutter before opening the car door and getting out.

"Now you have a nice day, Y/n." I heard him say as I smiled back at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Morales!" I reply before opening the car door and getting out.

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