~final chapter~

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After sitting on the building and talking all the way until the afternoon, I knew it was probably time to go.

"Wait, so what are we doing again?" I turn and ask Miles, my nerves on edge as I had glitched at least 5 times by now.
My whole body ached.
"We just have to go to this warehouse place that has a massive gun looking thing. Well there's two sides to it, like this," he began trying to demonstrate by pulling his hands apart, angling them across from each other, "and see both sides shoot to create this huge explosion thing!" He starts to clap his hands together, trying to demonstrate a realistic explosion by making sound effects.

I burst out laughing at him as he just grins at me, happy he'd gotten me to laugh.

"Oh my god, what are you smiling for?" I tease, still laughing a bit.

"It's just nice to see you laugh." He smirked, cocking his head to the side.

I try not to act flustered, "Yeah okay," I mumble with a giggle, looking away.

"I really am going to miss you."

I turn my head to look back at him, his words cut deep.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you too."

"I promise I'm going to find my way back to you, I'll study multiverses and shit, just for you!" He beamed, inching closer enthusiastically.

I stare at him for a moment. He's just a stupid boy, but I can't help myself from loving him so much. He's empathetic, he's kind, he's trusting, and he's everything that I've ever wanted. I love him.

And as I come to terms with this realisation, I look into his eyes and already know that it will never come true.

I love him, but loving him isn't enough. We're from two different universes.

"I'm gonna find my way back to you if it's the last thing I do Y/n..." He whispered, his face just inches from mine.

I smile softly, bringing up my hand.

"You pinky promise?"

He grinned, bringing up his hand and extending his pinky to interlock with mine.

"Nah baby, I pinky swear."

As we shake pinkies, I look back up at him, "Stop calling me baby you fucking simp." I snicker, our faces so close that our noses were practically touching.

"Whattt I'm not calling you baby, you're hearing what you wanna hear Y/n..." He whispered, bringing his hand up to touch my cheek.

I feel the warmth of his breath on my face as we both leaned in closer, as his lips start to graze mine my stomach erupts with warmth, my whole body tilting towards him. As our lips begin to slightly connect, a sudden chill runs down my spine as I turn to see a bright red and blue figure standing at the other side of the building.

"OH!" The figure yells, pointing at us as me and Miles immediately completely separate.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Peter yelled as he pulled his mask up, his face riddled with shock and amusement.

"Shut up, man, you ruined my moment -" Miles began, walking over to Peter with his arms folded.

"Damn sorry Miles I didn't know you were such a ladies-man," Peter laughed, pulling Miles into a headlock.

"Nah, you actually ruined my shot, man. I'm done with you. I can't wait to send you back," Miles sneered, pushing Peter away jokingly.

"Look, we've been looking all over for you, I had no idea you two were just making out."

Spiderman Into The Spiderverse: Y/n X Miles Morales ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now