~chapter 15~

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I sit in my history class surrounded by people whispering and staring at me.

Liam had run away to the toilet and called home, saying he was sick, Miles was completely off the hook because no teachers saw the fight, but here I was; still completely anxious.

My stomach was doing front flips as I asked to use the toilet. Every cell in my body felt like it ached as I got up to leave the classroom. My heart was beating faster, my body felt completely out of place, and as I sat down in the cubicle, my whole body felt like it was being flipped upside down all over again.
I knew I was glitching as I held on to the sides of the toilet cubicle, trying to withstand the excruciating pain in silence.

After 20 minutes of complete non-stop pain, the glitching finally stopped, and I hung my head, gasping for air.

Even if I don't want to, I need to go back to my universe. I can't keep doing this.

As I get out of the cubicle and go to the sinks to splash water on my face, I notice a girl looking at me.

I turned my head to see her fully. She was blonde with a comb-over sort of thing. I'm not sure, but one whole side of her head was shaved.
She had blue eyes and a distinct gap between her teeth. As some girls out of the corner of my eye point and giggle at her, I think I could tell why. As I look at her more, she gives me a judgy look and walks into a cubicle.

I spin around to see the girls who were judging her, and to my surprise, they beckon me over.

"Hey, new girl, were those boys fighting over you?" One of the girls says, staring at me in awe.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they were. You are so pretty!" Another one of the girls exclaimed.

"Says you!" I answer back sweetly, "and yeah, they were totally fighting over me. What about it?"

If there's one way to make girls want to be your friend, it's to be exactly who they want to be.

"What's your skincare routine?"
"What's your snap? I need to add you!"
The girls all started to question me, surrounding me in awe.

After a while of talking with them about myself, I noticed that the judgy girl hadn't come out of the toilet cubicle yet.

As I gesture with my thumb, I point back to the cubicle she's in, "What's with her?"

"Oh her? She actually showed up outta nowhere!"
"I heard her names Gwanda, like who names their child THAT."
"Literally," another girl joined in as the other continued.
"She's kinda emo, to be honest."

This statement earned a giggle out of everyone as another girl started up.

"She's actually so weird, though! My friend Shirley asked about her..." The girl dropped her voice to a whisper as everyone leaned in closer to hear, "so my friend asked about her weird haircut, right? But then she just gets all mad at her and says it's none of her business! Like rude much?"
All of the girls scoffed practically in unison.
"I heard She's lesbian!"
"That's not true! She's actually transgender! I saw her wearing a pin literally the other day."

My smile dropped. Wow, is this why they're mean to her.

"Okay, I have to go to class now!"
"Oh my god, come with me,"
"New girl, you coming?"

All of the girls turned to look back at me, "Sorry girls, I gotta fix up my makeup really quick, but I'll see you at lunch!"

As all of the girls left, I took a deep breath in and approached the stall that the girl was in.

I knocked on the door, hearing a slight sniffle from within.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I say quietly, knocking on her cubicle door again.

"Why? So you can make fun of me?"

My stomach drops. Is this already what she thinks of me?

"Look, that's not who I am, I barely know you."

"Then why won't you leave me alone?"

"Because I know you're crying! Look, I only asked about you because you gave me a judgy look! I know that's stupid, but - "

"Yeah, it is stupid, and you should just leave me alone!"

"Do they make fun of you because you're lesbian?"

"I'm not lesbian!"

"Are you transgender?"

"It's actually none of your business what I am, so can you please just leave me alone."

I lean against the door only to feel shivers run down my whole body. My spider-senses, why are they going off now? I got them when I was with Miles, too. Could she be the girl he talked about?

Suddenly the door opened and as I stepped back, we stared at each other in confusion.

"So you know Miles?" She asked me a bit annoyed.

"Yeah.... you do too...?"

"Yeah, I do. We're friends."

"I'm friends with him too..." I say back in the same tone that she was giving me. Is she a spider-person, too? I need to ask somehow.

"Do you have spider-powers?" I blurted out. Shit that was straightforward.

"What?.... no." She looked super annoyed now.

"Okay, same," I reply back. If she wants to be salty, then she can do that.

"If you wanna hate me so bad, then you can do that, but it won't get you anywhere," she said coldly.

"I barely know you, I don't hate you, so calm the fuck down. I heard girls talking shit about and came to see if you're ok-"

"You didn't stop them talking shit about me!"

"Yeah cause I don't fucking know you! I don't know what you've done until I've heard about it. That's why I asked about you! Cause you were staring and then you gave me a judgy look. Maybe it's you who hates me and I've honestly got no clue as to why!"

As she goes silent I only frown at her harder.

"What's your issue? Why were you staring at me? Why are you being so mean?"

"Cause you talked shit about me!"

"Did you hear me say one bad thing about you?"

"W-wha..well thats-"

"So no? I didn't say one bad thing about you did I?"

She inhaled sharply looking away.

"Jesus christ I was only checking to see if you're okay," I grimace as I spin on my heel and begin to walk away.

"I'm sorry," I heard her mutter, causing me to spin around and look at her.

"Huh? What did you say?" I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry," she hissed louder this time.

"Okay then," I smile at her before turning and walking out.

God she is a piece of work.

Spiderman Into The Spiderverse: Y/n X Miles Morales ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now