(I) 4 - All Gonna Be Voiceless

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: There is a reason why there's a disclaimer in the synopsis of the story about Mature themes, so do not trek lightly for the chapters in this story


Colossus Lapsation
Chapter 4 - All Gonna Be Voiceless

Albert opened the door out of the house, the house that he considered as lifeless almost 2 years ago

Actually, well... It is still slightly lifeless but it isn't as much as it was once before as there is a new addition in the house

The enigmatic, confusing and contradictory mess that it Kiara Lixue

Seriously, he can think of multiple things that he eventually found out about Kiara as he took care of her

Kiara doesn't like wasting time and yet most of the time, she wastes time with most of what she does, intentionally elongating the time it takes to finish it

She doesn't like leaving a job half-assed and gets annoyed (although she's good at hiding it) when she sees one even though most of it exist because she was the one that did the same job herself

And most of all, Kiara doesn't like laziness and yet she's also simultaneously one of the laziest and the most productive person he had ever known...

And those are just the things he can think of at the top of his head!

Seriously, she's a contradicting mess, and frankly, that's also her charm

Don't ask

Albert walked out of town, observing the sky changing colours as the sun rose in the distance. The sky was a mix of red and orange, a beautiful display indeed

The cool air and gentle breeze are all around him and he took his time, enjoying the serene atmosphere and the quietness of the environment

This is why he always went on morning walks... The peaceful and serene atmosphere here is always a sight to see and feel

And if also led him to meet, and possibly rescue Kiara from a lot of things such as embarrassment, and it also rescued him from loneliness

While he appreciates the few friends he had made, they also have their own lives and families to attend to which he fully understands

Albert then started walking around the forest, there isn't anything dangerous here after all

Saint-Tropez is far away from the drama that's happening with the SAEWS (Syndicat d'Assaut et d'Éradication de Wasteland et la Survie) and the French government after all

Haaaa... The peaceful breeze of the forest is very addicting sometimes

But Albert may have pushed too far this time... He already consumed around 7 minutes walking to the forest which is already more than usual so he guessed he would slightly speed up his pace

A few minutes had passed and he had returned to his house... And when he opened the door, the smell of coffee assaulted his nose


Kiara sipped coffee from the mug she's holding as she looked at the phone before she had a sudden urge to look at the calendar...

April 14th, 2002

Or should it be 14th April, 2002? Eh, doesn't matter since it doesn't change the fact that is has already been 2 years and yet sometimes, it felt like no time has passed at all

Truly time is a strange and confusing thing

Kiara sipped coffee from the mug she's holding once again before she decided to look back at the phone she's holding

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