𝓐𝓻𝓪~ 𝓐𝓻𝓪~

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"Ara~ Ara~ , Shinobu chan!" I wake up to my older sister, Kanae poking my cheek "you'll be late for your first day if you don't wake up soon~"

"fiiive more minutessss" I groan


"fine, I'm up"

"lovely! Breakfast is already on the table. Oh! And don't forget to check your luggage, You wouldn't want to forget anything~"

"okay, nee-san" I sigh as I watch her walk out of the room"

well, I guess I better go then. as I walk in to the kitchen I start to think about how much of an impression today could leave on my life.

"Nee-san are you okay?!" My little sister Aoi exclaimed "have you not been getting rest like i told you?!"

"I'm fine aoi, thankyou for your concern"

"it's just ... you look a little pale nee-san..." my other little sister kanao said softly

"well, i suppose i am a little nervous.."

"awww! don't think like that, I'm sure you'll do great!" kanae nee-san says as she cooks. "i even made you waffles!"

"thankyou nee-san"


Shinobu quickly ate her waffles and went back to getting ready, after she successfully showered and got dressed Shinobu went back to her room to finish packing her bag.


as i finish packing my final suit case kanae nee-san walks in to my room holding a huge box

"i got you something~"

"aww, thankyou. what for?"

"just a little decoration for your dorm~"

i open the box to see a beautiful purple orchid in a small pot

"wow...this is so beautiful, where did you even get it?"

"we went in to the mountains for a study trip last year and this flower reminded me a lot of you, so i decided to research it, and it turns out that its one of the rarest plants in japan! its called the wisteria orchid!" she explains

" wow, thankyou so much nee-san!" i say while hugging her "i really appreciate this."

"glad your happy~!" she giggled "now get back to packing, we're leaving in 5 ok?


as i gaze at the orchid i notice a little note on the side

"Wisteria Orchid - it is said to bestow fortune and love upon all those who view it~"

"maybe college wont be so bad..." i whisper to myself

I carefully place the delicate plant back in its box and walk to the car, I put the box in to the back seat making sure that it won't get damaged after I finished I went back in to the estate to retrieve the other bags. When this process had been repeated 3 to 5 times it was time to say goodbye to my little sisters.

" Shinobu nee-San! " cried naho, my youngest sister

" dont goooo!!!" Sobbed kiyo, the second youngest

"We'll miss you too much!" Sniffled sumi quietly finishing her sisters' sentences.

"Dont be sad, this will be you 3 soon!"

"We'll still miss you..." kanao said

"Yeah," aoi added

"Oh girls~! Time flies fast you know, we'll be back before you know it!" Kanae nee-san exclaimed

"I guess so" the triplets replied in unison

"And until then you'll have each other!" She continued." well, unfortunately we have to get going now, Bye girls~ we love you!!"


After the kocho family hugged each other goodbye the sisters got in to their car and began their drive to Kimetsu Academy
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𝓚𝓘𝓜𝓔𝓣𝓢𝓤 𝓐𝓒𝓐𝓓𝓔𝓜𝓨Where stories live. Discover now