𝓡𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝔀𝓸-𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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After a 4 hour drive, nee-san and I finally pulled into the last vacant spot in the kimetsu Academy parking lot. We got out of the car and began to make our way over to the front office

"Ughhhhhh," I sighed. My head was pounding from being in that car for so long.

"You ok, sis?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a head ache."

"Don't worry, I have something you can take for it in the car. I'll get it for you after we've got our room number, ok?"

she said in a comforting voice.

"Mkay," I replied, not fully focused

After a minute or so of walking, we arrived at the front office. The automated doors slid open as my face was met with a gust of cool air from the ac. The moment I walked into the room, I felt something change. My headache had mysteriously vanished. I was suddenly brought back to my senses when I locked eyes with a tall figure. It was a man. He looked as if he was in his 20s. He had the kind of ocean blue eyes that stared into the depths of your soul, pale skin, and silky dark hair that was just the right length to frame his face in a perfect way. I suddenly realised that I was staring and looked away. I could feel the heat rise in my face as he stared for a few more moments. Suddenly, a voice snapped me out of whatever trance I was in

"Hello, ladies. What do you need? " said a pale haired woman with lavender coloured eyes.

"Just our room numbers, please." Nee San said, smiling elegantly. She was always so graceful. I wish I could be more like her.


"Kanae kocho and shinobu kocho"

"It seems you're in luck, girls. Your girls' request for a shared room was the last one processed."

"OH COME ON BRO!" I suddenly heard a loud voice."Seriously?! We literally got here before them. Right, giyuu!" The voice came from a peach haired man in the corner of the hall.

"Uhm.." mumbled the same black haired man from before who I assume is giyuu. He shifted in his place uncomfortably before quietly announcing, "Yeah..?"

Upon closer inspection of his body language it seems that he is quite shy and socially anxious.

"they requested a shared dorm 3 months before you." The woman at the desk said.

"Oh." Replied the loud man

"...." giyuu stood in silence with an embarrassed look on his face

"SEE WHAT YOUVE DONE SABITO. YOU'VE EMBARRASSED US." Exclaimed a short girl about my height.




"Can you guys PLEASE stop bickering." Giyuu said in a slightly annoyed tone. His voice was a lot more raspy and dry than I expected. It was also somehow smooth. Like water rolling off a stone. It was relaxing, perhaps even calming. Like music to my ears."Ugh, I'm so tired." He mumbled again softly, his deep blue eyes rolled back as he leant on the wall.

"Okay, sorry giyuu." The girl said.

" yea what she said." Said the other guy.

I silently watched as they all turned and walked away. Their faint footsteps all that could be heard.

"Anyway. Here are your key and your room number is 213" the lady behind the desk said

"Thankyou" I said softly smiling and retrieving the keys from the lady's hand

Nee San got hers too and we started to walk down the hall to the elevator. Our room, 213 was on level 2, in room 15. I wasn't too thrilled about having to use an elevator every morning but I suppose things could always be worse. i'm sure everything will be alright


Hey guys im sorry for not updating for so long ive just been dealing with school and other stuff. I hope you guys like this chapter ,I hid a few clues for possible things that can happen in future chapters btw hehe. Anyway that's all from me, cya guys xx A/N

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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