-•Part 4: The Pharaoh•-

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~•Emily POV•~
"You know some days you feel so good in your own skin~" I sing the lyrics gently as Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld played on the radio. "But it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in~" I sway with the rhythm as I dance round my kitchen while making a chocolate cake I can share with the twins and Kelly.

"You have got to be kidding me.." I groan out once realizing that I haven't got enough ingredients, the song continued to play loudly in the background as I release an annoyed sigh and wash my hands free of mixture and cover the bowl in tinfoil. 'I don't know why I'm so annoyed, it's my own fault for not double checking if I have enough ingredients before making it'

I turn off the radio and quickly get change into my black tracksuit and slip on my white shoes. I leave my hair down and wipe off any fingerprint smudges, that have magically appeared on my glasses within the last few minutes, with a cloth.

 I leave my hair down and wipe off any fingerprint smudges, that have magically appeared on my glasses within the last few minutes, with a cloth

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'Isn't this the Pharaoh episode?' I think while locking my front door, 'Alya and Marinette have gone to the museum, so I think it is..?' I slide my keys into my pocket and back read on my previous messages with the girls.

'Oh, right! Marinette somehow dropped her history book while in her alter ego and Alya found it. Good thing I said I was busy otherwise I would of probably turned into a brain dead mummy.' I shiver physical at the thought before putting on my headphones and clicking on my playlist.

With my hands in my pockets, I absentmindedly walk down the streets as I began creating random scenarios in my mind. As someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi played through my headphones, I imagined that me and my fictional boyfriend was having an argument. 'Hah! Who said that maladaptive daydreaming was a mental illness?' I think while snickering mentally.

Walking past an alleyway, a small flash of sliver caught my attention causing me to pause mid step and take a peak. Five figures stood in the looming alley with their backs face towards me, I raise an eyebrow at the sight but decide to just move along as it's none of my business.

'Are you joking?' I mentally groan as my mobile data now deemed it a suitable time to spot working, pausing my music. I roll my eye in annoyance before trying to fix it as I walk away, "Please gentlemen, I want no trouble" A barely audible voice was heard through my headphones causing me to stop and look back down the alley.

'Continue walking Em, it's none of your business. You don't need to play hero. Shit, but what if that person needs help?' While having an inner debate my feet stay rooted to the floor, 'Fuck my life..' I mentally curse before taking off my headphones and putting them round my neck.

"Ah! There you are!" I shout as i quickly squeeze past the larger males, once spotting the person who spoke previously my mind froze momentarily. 'You have got to be kidding me..' The figure was a very familiar male, the current guardian of the miraculouses, Master Fu.

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