-•Part 5: Lady Wifi•-

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"What ya doing?~" Trixx questioned in a sing-song voice as he floated over towards me before resting on top of my head with a bowl of grapes. "How on earth are you able to carry a full bowl of grapes?" I ask before reaching up and picking one of the stem.

"I'm stronger than I look." He shrugged nonchalantly before looking at my diary. "Change Chloe? Who's Chloe?"

"She's a girl in my class that ended up finding a miraculous due to certain circumstances, however she made a mistake and it got taken away from her." I explain briefly before pinching another grape, laughing at Trixx's attempt to swipe away my hand. "Due to crappy writing from the writer, she didn't get her redemption arc she was slowly working towards."

"Ohhh~ So are you going to help her?"

"Mhm" I nod, "She can be mean but I think it's just because she doesn't know how to express her emotions without insulting anyone. Plus, from what I remember from the show she doesn't seem to have a strong parental figure so that didn't help with her snooty personality."

Trixx nods and goes back to eating the grapes, "Wait, shouldn't you be in school?" I pause writing mid sentence and look at the clock, "Oh Shit!" I shout before scrabbling out of bed to get dressed. "Sorry Trixx!" I shout as both the kwami and grapes fall to the bed in my hurry.

"Shit. Alya's going to kill me!" I panic, having seen the number of missed calls Alya had left me, as I hop over to the front door while trying to slip on my shoe, "God, I feel like I've missed my mom's calls with how much I'm panicking." I snort at my own joke before shutting the door and locking it.

I allow Trixx to settle comfortably in my hood before practically legging it towards school. "Wait..what time is it?" I pant, trying to gain back my breath as I pull out my phone.

"What's the matter?" Trixx questions quietly, having heard my sigh of annoyance.

"It's lunchtime. It's practically pointless for me to go into school now since I'll only be there for 2 to 3 hours before having to return back home." I explain quietly before sending Alya a quick apology message.

"Ohh~" Trixx nods before a foxy grin crawled onto his adorable face, "Let's go shopping!"

"Why?" I ask but begin walking in the direction of the closest shopping centre. "For clothes, duh." I shoot him an unconvinced look, knowing there's another reason he wants to go. "Okay. You got me." He sighs with a smile, "I want food."

"You literally just ate!" I mutter, "So? I'm hungry again!" I let an amused chuckle and gently shake my head, 'He's going to cost me a fortune just from food..'

"Besides, you need better clothes in your wardrobe."

"What's wrong with my wardrobe?" I question, offended that he insulted my fashion sense. "You literally have no orange clothes! How do you not even have an orange jumper!" He hisses.

"You insulted my fashion just because I don't have any orange clothing?!" I say dumbfounded.


"How does that make an—? Wait, do you want me to wear orange to represent that I'm going to be the fox hero?" I smile, amused at the situation and the fact that his ears are tilted downwards and that he's looking away from me with pouty cheeks only solidified my suspicions. "You are adorable!" I coe gently at my fox kwami.

"I am not!" He pouts. I laugh obnoxiously loud at the situation ignoring how other people on the street are giving me weird looks.

"What about this one?" I mutter quietly, lifting up the dress and holding it in front of my body while I look at my appearance in the mirror. "It looks nice, but I don't think it's your style." I nod, agreeing with Trixx's opinion before going back to looking through the clothes.

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