-•Part 8: The Evillustrator•-

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"Mornin, birthday boy!" A young brunette chirped as she threw herself onto her unsuspecting red haired friend's back, a startled yelp escaped his lips before he turned around to face her with red cheeks.

"Really Em?" He offered her a shy, but amused smile as she nuzzles her cheek against his own. She just grins at him before handing him the present that she skilfully hid behind her back, "Happy birthday!" She cheers.

She is wearing simple black leggings with an oversized orange jumper, that her kwami definitely didn't buy her in secret while she was asleep so it was a surprise when £20 quid went missing from her bank and a parcel arrives at her house a few days later, with a pair of black converse on her feet.

The red head eyes widen slightly in surprise before he takes the gift with a large smile, "Thank you." He peels back the tape and takes a peek inside the bag.

Emily sits down beside her friend on the bench, leaning forward with her arms resting on her thighs as she leans against her hand, the smile on her face only grew larger as Nathaniel quickly, but carefully got the present out of the bag.

Inside the bag was a few different are supplies, such as new pencils, paint and a sketchbook, but what captured the boy's attention was the 23 volumes of Demon Slayer.

"How did you—? This must of been so expensive!" Nathaniel gasps, taking out volume 1 and gently rubbing his finger down the front cover. "I take it that you like it?" Emily smirks, feeling proud in her gifting skills.

"Like it? I love it, thank you!" Nathaniel beams, pulling her into a side hug before gently sliding it back into the bag, not wanting the book to accidentally get ripped or lost.

"What lesson do we have first?" Emily asks, leaning her head against her friends shoulder not bothering to get her timetable out to look.

"Mrs Mendeleiev" Nathaniel replies with a dull tone, all excitement having evaporated from his face at the thought of having to deal with her lesson.

"Not the witch!" She groans, burying her head into Nathaniel's shoulder as he pats her head with fake pity. He rolls his eyes playfully at his friends display, a large smile on his face as he played along with her dramatic display "There, there. You'll be okay."

~•Emily POV•~
"This isn't okay." I hiss at the red head, who just looks up from his sketch for a split second to smirk at me. I hold back a groan as i lean against the palm of my hand, not paying attention to anything the teacher is saying. 'Something about...actually, what are we learning about?'

'This is so boring.' I let out a sigh before crossing my arms on the table and resting my head on top of them, 'What is a good anime to show Trixx? Hmmm maybe Yuri on Ice? I can't believe that they haven't released the film, like it was a bloody masterpiece! Why do they always cancel the best animes? Like Ouran High School Host Club, that anime seems to have dropped from the face of the earth!'

With my head rested in my arms, I allow my mind to wander away from this horrid lesson and curse studios and authors for not continuing with their amazing storylines.

Hushed whispering was the first thing I picked up on, second the constant tapping on my thigh. 'Oh shit!' I shoot up, blinking my eyes constantly to try and get rid of the sleepiness that clouded my brain and vision.

"Mrs Mendeleiev." I grin, acting innocent as the fuming woman leans over me and looks at me with furrowed brows. "Sorry, can you repeat the question?"

"Is wasn't a question, it was a statement. Go to the principals office! The pair of you." She snarls before crossing her arms behind her back as she stares at us with a stern look.

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