Chapter VII

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Note - There's been like a very long gap of like decades- so I'll be switching timelines and stories from different timelines of Subhu and Arjun's life and this is the first POV of Krishna- I've planned all the chapters till 20 and I assure you the Krishna POV's are the best! Btw a lot of the Krishna chapters have Krishmini so if that unsettled you, you can leave or skip chapters.


"No!" I shriek adamantly, "I will not accept this-" I say.

"You have to, it's been long enough and I assure he is fit for her," Balram says,

"He is a fool of whom knows if nothing but greed and desire- I will not sell my sister of to him- wait till I inform Father of the decisions you are making!"

"Father agreed as soon as he heard I liked him."
Krishna gapes, he hadn't ever experienced such unsettlement after the taking of Rukmini. He couldn't do anything more, he stays silent in assumable surrender but he will still try.

"Thank you for letting me inform you, brother."

"You have failed as her eldest brother, Balram," I say my eyes gleaming red. I have finally touched Balram weak spot- failure of responsibility. He sighs and mumbles so and so and walks away in evident shame.

A pale hand, bejeweled by bangles opens the door for him and he exits without even a glance at her of whom is standing right there, his ignorance angers me

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A pale hand, bejeweled by bangles opens the door for him and he exits without even a glance at her of whom is standing right there, his ignorance angers me. How dare he dismiss her like that.

"What has Bratha Balram so unsettled- don't tell me is there another flood from heavy rainfall-"

"No, mini, the empire is alright,"

I say assuring her. I stare at my wife. That sharp jaw and those beautiful doe eyes of such light ethereal color- I swear in my eyes even goddesses wouldn't match her beauty, she gives me a gentle smile.

"Then tell me what has my Govind so unsettled?" she says reading my mind, it's true I am unsettled and as a man who is known for a bluffing face I appreciate her dedication.

"It's about Subhu," I say and her face changes.

Rukmini loves Subhadra with every fiber of her soul. The early stages of our marriage included frequent meetings with astrologers and that entailed reminders of the fact Rukmini would birth sons. Rukmini wanted for her eldest to be a son as she wanted her first child to resemble me as much as possible- but when she heard she would probably never have a daughter she fell to mourning. She longed for a daughter and when my mother had Subhadra, she was all up on her. She's a gentle, loving soul with a great maternal instinct to coddle younger ones. You should see her eyes the moment she sees children. Exactly why I love her. Her face is now sown with concern.

"What is it?" she asks desperately.

"Balram wants to marry Subhu to Duryodhan."

Rukmini stands still before practically falling to the floor, I catch her before her chest falls to the floor.

"D-uryodhan?" she asks, most of the time I keep my sorrows to myself in order to never burden people but I simply melt when I am with Rukmini, she knows everything Duryodhan has done and she knows what Duryodhan is. She has seen him absolutely berating Arjuna and the other pandava's of whom she saw as sons even.

"You can't do it," she says, teary eyed, even in sorrow my Rukmini is still ever so beautiful and as much as I want to fulfill every desire of hers there are some I just can't.

"Father has agreed to it-" I say.

"So what- you'll just sell her away!?" Rukmini screams while rivers worth of tears fall from those eyes of hers.

"I am only her brother, he is her father," I say with nothing but emptiness and sorrow.

"And he is throwing her to hell, you have done for me more than you have your own blood" she says. She refers to the fact I saved her when she was abducted in marriage yet failed to do the same for my own flesh and blood- my own sister. It sinks in to my soul and pains me. She is more unsettled now than before, she unties herself from my grasp and stands- faltering here and there in shock.

She turns away from me like never before.

"Don't expect me in our chambers, find one of your other million wives chambers to lay in," she says fiercely. She also knows I won't go to another woman's chambers when I have pained her but she goes on anyway.

I know where she's going. She's going to Subhu and she will stay with her throughout the night, like she always has. I have showed in our chambers many nights and seen Subhadra coddled sweetly in between my lovely wife's hands. Rukmini dashes out and I say her name but she responds by slamming the door. Rukmini always took care of her. I lay down in shame and thinking.

I have to find a man that could defeat Duryodhana- a man trained by the lord of war and my brother and is willing to take care of my sister like she is gold. I think until my eyes widen.

I have found just the right man.

Oh, Parth, your Madhavan can't help but need you.

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