secrets of the Omnitrix (2)

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It's now late at night, the trio were all asleep. Y/n in the bed, shuri on top of him, and zed at the foot of the bed. But y/n grunts awake from the bright light flashing into his eyes.

Y/n: "morning already..? Didn't we just go to sleep..?"

Shuri groans, and checks the time, rubbing her eyes.

Shuri: "it's only 3.. the sun shouldn't be up yet"

A noise is heard outside. Y/n sits up, startling shuri and zed.

Shuri: "what's wrong?"

Y/n: "shuri, stay here. Zed, stay at the door"

Y/n gets off the bed, and steps outside, with zed staying by the door. as y/n stepped out the rust bucket 2, a gigantic grey spaceship deploys its landing 'legs' and settles down right in front of them. Smoke surrounds the base of the ship; through it, a mysterious figure slowly walks forward.

Y/n: "extraterrestrial! State your name, and business here on this planet!"

???: "I come in peace!"

Y/n: "that voice.. tetrax?"

The figure stepped forward, and deactivated his helmet, revealing that it was indeed the petrosapien, Tetrax.

Tetrax: "Good to see you again, y/n. Or should I say, magaster?"

Y/n: "just y/n is fine. You were a friend before I was magaster. How've you been?"

Tetrax: "I've been a little busy, but I came as soon as I heard"

Y/n: "heard what? My grandpa?"

Tetrax: "no. But I am sorry I couldn't make it then. I'm actually here about that"

He points to the Omnitrix, causing y/n to raise an eyebrow.

Tetrax: "I picked up the S.D.M. signal from the Omnitrix"

Y/n: "I'm sorry… S.D.M.? You're telling me the Omnitrix is in self-destruct mode?"

Tetrax: "The Omnitrix broadcasts a signal when it begins its countdown. So yes. Self-destruct. Along with whoever is wearing it at the time"

Y/n: "how long do we have?"

Tetrax: "unsure. Do you have any idea of what triggered the self destruct mode?"

Y/n: "I had an altercation with an old rouge of mine. He had a Device that shot out a feedback... I suppose that's what happened. Do you know a way to fix it?"

Tetrax: "I do not. Perhaps azmuth does"

Y/n: "azmuth? That name sounds familiar.."

Tetrax : "I hope it would. He's the rumored creator of the Omnitrix. Details on him are sketchy at best. No one is even quite sure which planet he lives on"

Y/n: "that is sketchy... How do we go about finding him?"

Tetrax: "On my ship, I have the equipment we need to examine the Omnitrix for Azmuth's DNA signature. It's... Like an autograph on his work. Once we have that, we can scan the galaxy until we locate him"

Y/n: "this guy sounds like he's got quite the ego"

Tetrax: "he does. And Judging from the pattern's repetition, I'd say less than four Earth days. We'd better get going. There's no telling who else has picked up on the signal"

Y/n: "four days huh? Then I guess we should get going. Stay here, I'll get my gear"

Tetrax nods, as y/n retreats back into the rust bucket 2. As he got changed, he explained the situation to shuri and zed. Y/n dresses in his uniform, adding a utility belt, a holster on either hip, with plumbers blasters inside. On the back of his belt was a holder with two batons. He then attaches widows bite to his wrist, and turns to shuri.

Y/n: "please, don't try and stop me"

Shuri: "what? why would I stop you? The Omnitrix is about to explode"

Y/n: "thanks" y/n walked up to shuri, and gives her one long kiss, before pulling away, and heads back to tetrax.

Y/n: "zed, stay here with shuri. Can I trust you?"

Zed nods, and crossed her paw over her chest. As y/n did the same back. The wearer of the Omnitrix then walked back to tetrax. The two nod, and walk up to the ship. However, shuri ran out, pointing a finger at tetrax.

Shuri: "hey! Keep my husband safe. Alright? If not, you will have to answer to the black panther"

Tetrax: "the... The what?"

Y/n: "it's a.. y'know what, I'll explain later. Shuri, I love you!"

Shuri blows a kiss at y/n, who smiled, as tetrax and y/n walked into the ship. Then walk through the hanger, before coming to a stop on a platform, which starts gliding along a track and raises them up to the door. Then, the platform begins hovering, and flies them through various hallways and rooms. They pass through a large room with a seemingly bottomless floor; large suspended maces; and spinning axe-blades.

Y/n: "let me guess. Training room?"

Tetrax : "correct. Have to stay in shape between missions"

Y/n: "hm. Probably better fit for a petrosapian than a human"

Tetrax: "that is... Also correct"

The platform finally stops in front of a green room illuminated by a large computer, and with two large pads on the floor, casting a ripple effect in the air.

Tetrax : "That's the hover simulator. It can recreate over 1,000 different courses. You're welcome to use it anytime"

Y/n: "I'll stick with the training room if you don't mind"

Tetrax nods, as they enter the bridge of the ship. It is large, with a curved screen full of displays up against the farthest wall, and a large circular control desk down some steps.

Y/n: "whoa. Very unique set up huh tetrax?"

As y/n approaches the desk, a pink gelatinous being suddenly rises out of it, with tentacles and three yellow eyes.

Y/n: "huh. Hello there"

Tetrax : "That's my pilot, Gluto"

Gluto extends his face forward, approaching y/n and purring curiously.

Y/n: "nice to meet ya gluto"

Gluto chirps a hello, as  He slumps back in his walking device.

Tetrax: "I assume you're familiar with space travel protocol?"

Y/n: "who do you think your talking too?"

Y/n and tetrax get into their seats, as the automatic chest restraints fold down on Tetrax's shoulders and lock into place. He looks beside him to y/n, who just barely fit in the frame of of the chair.

Y/n: "this is why universal chairs are a must"

Tetrax chuckled, before turning to gluto, who chirps, and presses his hand to a sensor, and the ship rockets forward, instantly becoming a tiny blip in the night sky. As the ship exits Earth's atmosphere, the turbulence inside settles.

Tetrax : "Initiating artificial gravity"

Tetrax presses a button, and returns the gravity to normal, as y/n immediately stood up from the chair.

Y/n: "let's get this over with. I got a vacation to get back too"


Meanwhile, somewhere in space, a large pointed yellow warship is siphoning power from a smaller tattered grey ship. Inside one of the warship's pods, three small aliens watch out a window as the smaller ship lies dead in space. They turn around as a twisted voice speaks to them from the doorway.

???: "Your ship will be useful in my quest for the Omnitrix. And when I recover it, I will exact my revenge on that Earthling boy who nearly killed me"

The figure closes the door between him and the aliens, and presses a button, jettisoning the pod. The figure then turns his attention to an approaching Bioid.

Bioid: "Master, we have intercepted a signal. It appears to be from the Omnitrix"

???: "The Omnitrix in space? What is Tennyson up to?"

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