Captain America: Civil War(3)

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Y/n had gotten his recharge nap, but now, the sound of loud yelling woke him up, and now he's mad.

Y/n: "what is going on.."

T'challa: "he's escaped"

Y/n groans, and gets up to look around, only to see Bucky holding his mother by the throat. To y/n, everything went blank. However, T'challa notices this, and sees y/n activate the Omnitrix-

-and immediately charge at Bucky with a roar, a beastly roar. Tossing everything in his way aside with a simple swing of his arm. He then rips Bucky off his mom, who takes in a large gasp of breath, only to see y/n smash Bucky into the floor. Y/n rears back his fist, and smash it down towards Bucky's head. He dodge's it last second, only to realize that y/n's fist had when through the floor, and even the ground completely.

Nat: "y/n"

With another beastly roar, y/n rears back his other fist, as the exact same occurs, Bucky dodges, and y/n's fist went right through the floor, and into the ground. This happens two more times, giving Bucky a chance to get away when all four of y/n's fist are stuck in the ground.

Y/n then raises all four arms from the ground, bringing up the floor that they were stuck in. Y/n then smashes all four fist into the floor, smashing it all into dust. Bucky runs up and smashes his metal fist into y/n's cheek, which nearly does nothing. Y/n simply spat on the ground, and throws another punch, in which Bucky slides under, and punches y/n's ribs, which again does basically nothing. Y/n then brings down his fists, in which Bucky rolls away from, then punches y/n in the back of the leg, forcing him to his knee.

In rage, y/n swings around his arms, smacking Bucky into a nearby wall. Y/n ran up and kneed Bucky in the face. Or at least he tried too. Bucky once again dodges last second, as y/n's knee went through the wall. However, y/n grabbed Bucky by the head, and swings him around, then throws him out of a window across the room, sending him through it. This was when y/n let out another roar, and started pounding his chest. After a minute, the Omnitrix times out, and after the red of it fades away, an unconscious y/n falls to his back, as nat and T'challa run after him.

Nat: "y/n!"

T'challa: "is he ok?"

Nat: "he looks ok.. just unconscious. What the hell was that?"

T'challa: "he was blinded by anger"

Nat: "has this happened before?"

T'challa: "yes. You must be very close to him for this to happen.."

Nat: "well, I better be. I'm his mother.."

T'challa nods, as nat pulls out her phone, while also resting y/n's head on her lap.


With a gasp for air, y/n awakes in his bed, with zed, who had a very worried expression on her face, watching from the end of the bed.

Y/n: "z-zed? w-what... What happened?"

Zed only whines, and rubs her head against his side. The door opens, and max steps through with a bag by his side. Once seeing y/n awake, he rushes over and kneels down at the bed side.

Max: "hey sport... you ok?"

Y/n: "I... I think so? just a bad headache..."

Max: "just relax, alright? Natasha will be here soon"

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