Infinity war(1)

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Age recap: 17


Max: "now.. which should I go with? Deep sea octopus? or coconut milk with mealworms? What do you think y/n?"

Silence... Max let's out a heavy sigh, before simply getting the second option.

Max: "right.. he's still on the run. I hope he's alright. That boy worries me. To think only seven years ago, I took him on a summer road trip. They grow up so fast.."

As max went on to purchase his items, he couldn't help but gaze out the shops window. Currently, he was in new York to restock on food, and other necessary items he needed. While gazing at the window, only to see a nice looking rainbow shoot down from the sky, and right into a building in the distance.

Max: "what a nice looking rainbow. Almost looks like the bifrost..."

Max grabs the bags his items were in, and exited the store, heading back to the rust bucket. But right as max was about to open the door, max processed what he said.

Max: " is the bifrost.. something's not right!"

Max rushes inside the rust bucket, and tosses the bags into the floor next to the beds, before running to the driver seat, and starts it up, pulling out to where he saw the bifrost land. Before he got out however, max decided to be careful, and return to his roots, and equipped his classic plumbers uniform. The helmet in his hand just in case. With a plumbers rifle strapped to his back, and a pistol in his hand, max left the RV, and and aimed right at the front door of the sanctum sanctorum.

Max: "what's an Asgardian doing with the ancient one?"

Thinking the worst, max lifted up his leg, and with relative ease, kicked open the door to the sanctum. This surprises the four people inside. Looking around, max the only face he didn't recognized was the one with the eye of agamotto.

Tony: "well, your a face I wasn't expecting to see"

Max: "same to you stark. What's going on here?"

Strange: "you have impeccable timing Mr. Tennyson, we were just about to explain"

Max: "and you are?"

Strange: "I'm doctor Stephen strange"

Max: "judging by the eye around your neck, the ancient one is gone?"

Wong: "I'm afraid so"

Max took a breath, before putting away his pistol.

Max: "alright.. go on with the explanation"

Wong nods, and lifts up his hand, using magic as a projection to convey his explanation.

Wong: "From the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then, boom. The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurdling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence"

Strange: "Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time"

Strange opens the Eye of Agamotto, revealing the Time Stone. Max takes another breath.

Tony: "Tell me his name again.."

Bruce: "Thanos. He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets, he takes what he wants, he wipes out half the population. He sent Loki! The attack on New York, that's him!"

Max: "with all six, it could possibly overpower the Omnitrix.. what's our timeline till his arrival?"

Bruce Banner: "No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones, that already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe!"

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