Spider-Man: NWH (3)

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It's been a few hours, enough time for the sun to start rising. Y/n and Peter have finished repairing the area as best as possible. Y/n went ahead on back to the sanctum to check on the new villains in the dungeon. Walking down into the undercroft, y/n spots MJ and Ned.

Y/n: "sup"

Ned: "hey. Where's Peter?"

Y/n: "something with his aunt. But I'm here for them"

Ned: "Which one? The electric guy? The sand guy? The knight? Or the clown?"

Y/n: "the.. j-just the knight"

MJ: "wait.. don't tell me the mighty y/n 10 is afraid of clowns?"

Y/n: "NO!! a-ahem- n-no. I'm not afraid of clowns"

MJ: "you are. You totally are!"

Y/n: "AM NOT!!-"


Y/n: "holy shit you talk"

???: "Yea. Now shut it. I'm trying to sleep"

Y/n: "right, right. Sorry. Just uh.. gotta talk to "forever king" here"

The giant monster figure waved a crystalized claw, before going quiet. Turning his attention to the forever king, y/n stepped forward.

Forever king: "what do you want boy-"

Y/n holds out his arm, as a much larger arm made of mana grabs the forever king, and smashes him again the wall.

Y/n: "watch what you say next. Or next time, I won't be so gentle"

Ned: "that's gentle?"

MJ: "you and your fiancee must have a wonderful time in bed"

Y/n sighs, and attempts to ignore them.

Y/n: "ok forever king. Tell me about your world"

Forever king: "and why should I?"

Y/n slightly closes his hand, clasping the mana hand around forever king to tighten.

Forever king: "gah!"

Y/n: "that armor seems pretty valuable. You wouldn't want it to be crumbled into pieces, do you?"

The forever king goes silent, as y/n smirks.

Y/n: "good. Now answer my question"

Forever king: "my world huh..? So this truly is another world. I wasn't so sure"

Y/n: "answer the question. Now"

Forever king: "hmph. Perhaps you'd like a story?"

Y/n: "you are pushing my patience. Tell me now, or I'll-"

Suddenly, walking down into the undercroft, Peter, along with an oldish man in green and purple, enter.

Peter: "guys- whoa. Did I interrupt something?"

Y/n peers over his shoulder, as the forever king let out a chuckle. Letting up his mana, y/n turns around and crosses his arms.

Y/n: "no. I was just finishing up"

Ned: "actually, he-"

Y/n: "I was just finishing up"

Y/n gave Ned a glare, to which Ned nods his head and looks away from him.

Peter: "um.. anyway.. this is Mr. Osborn"

Norman: "Hey! it's Doctor"

Peter: "Sorry. Um... Dr. Osborn, these are my friends, Ned and MJ, and that's y/n"

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