Valentine's day special!

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Y/n stood quietly in the wakandan throne room, queen Ramonda sitting on the throne, as a few plumbers stood to the side, across the Dora milaje.

Y/n: "will she like it? What if she doesn't?! What if she leaves me for getting her such a bad gift?! Does she even like chocolate? What if I got the wrong kind?!"

Okoye: "is he ok?"

Ramonda: "I don't know.."

Rook: "he's been like this for hours. He's afraid he'll mess up valentine's day"

Okoye: "ah. That explains it. When it comes to the princess, y/n can become rather panicked"


y/n stood up straight, and crossed his arms, humming quietly.

Y/n: "I see your point..."

Zed gruffs.

Y/n: "no way! She's busy zed! I can't just barge into her lab!"

Ramonda: "if it gives you more of an excuse. She's been needing to get out of there for quite some time"

Y/n: "I.. alright fine"

Y/n sighed, and left the throne room, and headed toward shuri's lab, with rook following behind.

Y/n: "yo, blonko. Sweep the area would ya?"

Rook: "inside or out?"

Y/n: "both. Zed, go with him"

Zed and rook nod, leaving y/n alone. He quickens his pace, and bursts through the doors to shuri's lab, only to find not a trace of her there, only her assistants.

Y/n: "uh.. hi? Where's shuri?"

Each of them pointed to a door across from y/n. Y/n knew that direction well. Walking forward, he went past the assistants, and went through the other door. Now in yet another hallway, y/n kept walking.

Y/n: "my lord, the palace is huge. Did this place get bigger? I swear it did"

Finally coming to a stop, y/n turned to shuri's bedroom door, giving it a gentle knock.

Shuri: "it's unlocked!"

Y/n opens the door, as the first thing he sees was his gifts for shuri sitting at the table. He thought she didn't like him, but then he actually looked at shuri...

She was wearing.....

Y/n: "what are you wearing?"

A black lingerie, that barely covered her body. Y/n could only stare at the sight, as shuri sat on her bed flustered.

Shuri: "w-well.. what are you waiting for? Get over here.. I didn't buy this just to look pretty.."

Y/n: "yes ma'am..."

Y/n closed the door behind him, and locks it, before walking forward.......

Let's just say that when rook and okoye went to check on them.. they heard some suggestive noises coming from the room...


Just somethin' short and sweet! Don't worry! BP: WF is being worked on! Just taking longer than I had hoped

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