Avengers: Endgame(1)

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Age recap: 17...?


The sight of a peaceful neighborhood filled the view of those around. The sound of a boy, and a dog filled the air.

Y/n: "come on girl! Go get it!"

Y/n, a seventeen year old boy, with h/c hair, and e/c eyes, was playing fetch with his pet dog, zed, a great Dane. Y/n wore a white and black shirt, dark green cargo pants, and a smart watch on his wrist.

As zed runs off to get the stick y/n just threw, a girl was up behind him, and grabs his hand.

Y/n: "hey shuri. What's up?"

Shuri: "I came to get you. The burgers are almost ready. Brother had to stop max from doing anything funny to them"

The two share a laugh. Shuri kisses y/n's cheek and walks away, as y/n whistles for zed, who came running back.

Y/n: "come on girl, time to eat!"

The boy and dog walk away, and to where shuri went. When they caught up, tons of people could be seen in the backyard of someone's home.

Max: "there you are kiddo!"

Nat: "look who decided to join us!"

Y/n: "yea, yea, I'm here. Don't rub it in"

Tony: "oh, I'm so gonna rub it in"

Steve: "you are not"

Clint: "he will. No matter what any of us say"

T'chaka: "ok everybody, let us all calm down. The food is almost ready"

Bruce: "T'chaka's right, food is almost done, which means it's almost time to eat!"

Peter: "woo! Yea! Grill party!"

Y/n: "booyah! Grill party!"

Y/n and Peter high five one another.

Thor: "what are we waiting for? Let us feast!"

Y/n: "yea! Lets-"

Y/n stops himself, as he sees Thor's body become, essentially frozen in time.

Y/n: "uh.. Thor?"

Y/n looks around, seeing the same thing occur to everyone else. Y/n's breathing began to grow shorter, and faster. Y/n was about to go into a panic, until a hand was placed on his shoulder. Y/n calms down.

Y/n: "thank God.. I was having a Panic attack.."

Y/n turns around, not to see one of his friends or family, but a man in a lab coat.

Man: "found you! It's about time. I've been waiting"

Y/n: "w-who the hell are you?"

Paradox: "me? Well, I'm professor paradox"

He pulls out a bag of gum.

Paradox: "gumball? Helps calm the nerves"

Y/n: "what did you do to my family?"

Paradox: "trust me when I say, that I did not do this. Actually, this entire loop is all you're doing"

Y/n: "l-loop? w-what the hell are you talking about?!"

Paradox: "y/n. You have suffered emotional trauma, and perhaps physical trauma. So to escape it, you have created an endless time loop, of the best day of your life. An artificial day. In an artificial life"

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