secrets of the Omnitrix (5)

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A troop of bioids carefully walk down a hall, checking doors as they pass. They don't notice Tetrax in a vent above them. He presses a button on a remote, causing the walls between the bioids to slam together and crush them. As Tetrax leaves, one bioid continues moving.

Zed hides behind a corner, as a few bioids roam nearby. She transforms into buglizard, and climbs up to the ceiling. One of the bioids, noticing the red glow, walks towards where zed was, only to get surrounded in gas, slowly melting the robot minion. Zed then jumps down at the other two, and rips them apart.

Now in another room, tetrax reached into a hidden compartment, with myaxx standing next to him.

Myaxx: "What are you doing?"

Tetrax: "We're going outside. We need to free the resolute from vilgax's ship"

He pulls out a spacesuit, and two repair guns.

Myaxx: "Me? Outside? I-in space? Oh, no. I'm more of a land-based species"

Tetrax: "If we don't clear those tethers by the time we hit Xenon's gravitational pull, both ships will be destroyed in re-entry"

Myaxx: "Well, when you put it that

Meanwhile, in the main pilots room, and no shuri or gluto in sight, vilgax and sixsix enter.

Vilgax: "It appears we have scared the
pilot right out of his skin"

Vilgax notices one of the video feeds up, seeing tetrax and myaxx removing the drills holding onto the ship.

Vilgax: "Stop them!"

Sixsix runs out the room, doing as vilgax told. The second he did, gluto attacks vilgax, wrapping his gooy body around his head. Vilgax stumbles around, before ripping off gluto, and throwing him into the wall, where he slides down, before leaping at vilgax again.

Vilgax dodges, and turns towards gluto, who charged again. Vilgax goes for a punch, but gluto slips away, causing vilgax's punch to dent the floor. Gluto latches on vilgax's hand, but the warlock shakes him off by smashing his fist into the floor. Gluto attempts to reform his body, but vilgax grabs a tile from the floor, and smashed it on top of gluto, which caused his slime body to stop moving.

Vilgax: "How dare you touch me, you

Meanwhile, outside, y/n lands on the ship beside tetrax and myaxx, when sixsix suddenly climbs up from the entrance hole behind them, and shoots all three of them away. Myaxx is knocked unconscious, and y/n is knocked off the ship. Tetrax however, gets up, and attacks sixsix, who continusly fired at him. Tetrax pulled his own blaster out, and shot sixsix's arm.

Y/n, seeing the chance, formed giant mana arms around his own, and stretched them out, grabbing sixsix, and throws him into space, but made sure to crush his armor to remove the chance of sixsix returning.

Y/n then pulls himself onto the ship, and sighed.

Y/n: "I'll get in there and take care of vilgax. You get those things off"

Tetrax nods, as y/n jumps back into the ship, and roams around until he was in an oxygenized area to where he could take off the helmet. However.. the second he did... He looked up, and there stood a familiar face.

Vilgax: "Hello... Y/n"

Y/n took in vilgax's new look. He was larger, hunched over, and his left arm was much larger. Almost bigger than the rest of his body.

Vilgax: "You are going to regret leaving me for dead for what little remains of your miserable life!"

Vilgax goes for an attack, but y/n wrapped his arm in mana, and made it slam into the floor next to him.

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