Black Widow(2)

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Flying over the cold surface of the environment inside the chopper, the trio waited for their plan to move into action. Well, nat and Yelena's plan, y/n really had no idea what was actually happening. He was just sitting in the back of the chopper. Suddenly, nat began to talk into an ear piece.

Nat: "Today is your lucky day, Alexei"

Yelena passes nat a tablet, which had the map of the prison on it.

Nat: "Move to the door on the south wall"

Y/n: "are we there yet?"

Nat: "almost. Just wait a little longer"

Nat looks back at the tablet, and gave Alexei another instruction.

Nat: "go left. Just don't make a scene... You made a scene, didn't you?"

Alexei: "What now?"

Nat: "We're gettin' you outta here"

The helicopter lowers itself from above the prison, with a man with a suspiciously similar build to max, standing underneath. Suddenly, from all angles, other prisoners began to file out, along with guards coming out from the level above them.

Nat: "Go to the upper level Move your ass, super soldier"

Y/n: "I'm sorry. What?!"

Nat: "I'll explain later"

The max lookalike began to climb on of the walls, but was immediately shocked by a guard, and was sent back down to ground level.

Yelena: "He's never going to make it"

Nat: "Get us closer"

Yelena gave nat an odd look, which nat immediately responds too.

Nat: "You got a better idea?"

Nat gets out of her seat, and went right to the side door, motioning y/n to join her.

Y/n: "yea! Finally! It's hero time!"

Nat pats y/n's back, as he jumps out of the chopper with a scream of excitement. On instinct, y/n slams down on the watch, doing an unnecessary flip as he did. Landing on the walk way, a Frankenstein lookalike smirks at the guard ahead of him.

Frankenstrike: "oh yea. Haven't used this guy since Ultron!"

Yelena: "what the hell did he just do?!"

Nat: "something very natural to him"

Throwing back his fists, y/n smashes down onto the walkway, sending very powerful electric volts all over it. Nat then jumps down, and uses y/n's large body as a cushion for her landing.

Nat: "nice job"

Frankenstrike: "thanks! Though, I'm still kinda rusty with this guy"

From one of the towers, powerful gunfire began to shower the chopper, putting multiple bullet holes into it. Nat looks to y/n, who shrugs and switches to Eye guy. Thrusting out his chest, y/n sent a frost beam right at the tower, freezing majority of it, along with the gun the guard was using. Sadly, the impact of the ice beam sent the tower crashing down onto the ground, causing the mountains around to shake violently.

Eye guy: "oops.."

Nat: "don't apologize, get back to the chopper"

From ground level, Alexei yells up at the two.

Alexei: "Tell me that's a good sign for us!"

Natasha: "Move your ass! Y/n, stinkfly, now!"

Eye guy: "on it!"

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