Chapter 10:No one expects the Atlesian Inquisition!

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The confrontation passed and now team RWBY sits at a table with team MIKT at lunch in the cafeteria. Team JNPR was a table away, although Yang and Nora were still throwing stuff at each other.

Kumagawa thought back at the day at the docks. By what he sees Blake drawing in her notebook, she did too.

However, unlike her, he didn't think about the White Fang or what may await this kingdom. No, he thought he didn't have enough time to catch up with Roman.

He was actually a very fan guy. People might point out how wrong that statement was coming from someone that studies to become a hunter, but he disaggres. Work and personal life were two different things.

Shame Neo wasn't there. He wonders who occupies their time with that.

Roman would be first to admit that he's a thug and a thief. The only interes he might have in dust is if he seels it and he clearly doesn't. Ge already checked the black market.

Whatever is happening, he'll deal with it when the time comes. Those two are on the list kf people he actually cares about.

However, he was put out of his thoughts when Ruby smacked a pack of papers on the table. She gave a cough, likely planning a speech.

Ruby:Sister! Friends! Weiss...



Ruby:Four scores and secen minutes ago I had a dream!

Yang:This ought to be good.

This time Nora three a cherry at her. Fortunately, Yang caught it in her mouth.

Ruby:I dreamed of spending this semester together and having the most fun ever!

Weiss:Did you steal my binder?

Ruby:I am not a crook!

Ruby showed Weiss peace signs to maje her point across. Kumagawa would usually not be interesed in such a speech, but this is becoming entertaining.

Blake:What are you talking about?

Ruby:I'm talking about kicking off this semester with a bang!

Yang:I usually like to kick off my semester with a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?

Kumagawa:[Wow...Now I wish I could die.]

Kujira:I genuinly don't think I ever did something so horrible to other people or myself in my entire life.


Ruby:Guys, the Vytal Festival is soon and between more exchange students coming around and the tournament it's going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorow...Which is why I planned some wonderful events for us!

Weiss:I'm not sure to be proud or scared of what you have in store.

Kujira:I'd vote for both.

Blake:I actually think I'm gonna sit this one out.

Weiss: Sitting out or not, I think we should do this together as a team. Which is why...

As Weiss stands up to speak Yang's little fight with Nora escalated to Weiss getting her face hit with a pie, earning the ginger an angry look from the heiress. In a panick she pointed at Ren.

The next minutes only escalated the situation further. Students ran out of the cafeteria screaming while Nora stands at the top of an makeshift castle vendinch machines and tables with the rest of team JNPR at the bottom with it while the teams RWBY and MIKT where opposed to it.

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