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Decided some action was needed after so long since the last update

*Isla's P.O.V*

I whine as Alana scrubs my hair, cursing my tender scalp. I could tell that she was getting frustrated with the flour that still clung to my hair, turning doughy from the water that was being poured on my hair.

"Next time you do this, I think I'll just spray you down in the front yard with a hose," Alana huffs as she raises an eyebrow while looking down at me.

"It's not my fault, your mom is the one who got it in my hair," I huff.

"Yes, because you decided to throw flour at her first," Alana states. I roll my eyes at her words as I look at her with a pout.

"I didn't mean to start a war, it's not my fault that your mom is very competitive," I huff as I look at her.

"Mhmm well I could have told you that baby," Alana chuckles as she stands up. "I've got all the flour out of your hair that I can stand, the feeling of it on my hands is about to drive me crazy. You however need to go to the infirmary for a check up," she informs me.

"What? Whyyyyyy?" I say, definitely not whining the last word at all.

"Because you are underweight and the doctor wants to make sure that silver didn't permanently damage your organs," Alana states. I groan as I lean my head back, kicking the tub lightly before I lean forward and pull the plug.

I take the towel that Alana tosses me, drying myself off. Well except for my hair, I don't really care if my hair gets my clothes wet. Alana gives me a look and I sigh as I wrap my hair up, squeezing the towel around it as I stick my tongue out at her. Kelsei and her have been making me actually take care of my hair which is so mean.

"You are being a brat today little one, would you like to keep pushing it?" Alana asks, her eyes showing that it's not a question I want to say yes to.

"....No," I say after a moment, pressing my lips together as I look at my clothes before looking at her. "Help me?" I request, raising my arms up. Alana rolls her eyes but obliges my request, helping me put on my sports bra since I always get it twisted. I look at the shirt that's on the counter as I step into my panties.

"What is it?" Alana asks when she sees the look in my eyes.

"Not wearing that shirt," I say before darting past her, throwing myself onto the bed. I roll over to look at her, seeing her give me a fond but exasperated look.

"What shirt do you want to wear then love?" Kelsei steps in and I look at her, seeing her working on her laptop.

"One of yours or 'lana's," I respond, making her glance at me. She chuckles when I give her puppy dog eyes, nodding to the closet.

"Help yourself," she says and with those words, I roll off of the bed. I belly crawl across the floor, not wanting to stand up to go into the closet. I have to sit up on my knees to open the closet door, making Kelsei snort.

"Don't laugh at me, I'm tired. I think I ran like 20 miles to escape you and Alana's evil mothers," I whine as I cross my arms before going to dig through their closet. I don't end up finding a shirt to wear but I do end up making a pile of clothes on the closet floor. I pull the door shirt and just lay in the dark, giving into the urge that tells me to just curl up in my mates' clothes to be covered in their scent.

"Darling, do you plan on coming out anytime soon?" Alana asks and I shake my head slightly before remembering that she can't see me.

"Mmm no, I am comfy," I say as I stretch out to get more comfortable before deciding that being curled up is actually the best position to lay in.

The hairs on the back of my neck and on my arms stand up when there is a loud howl, the noise so eerie and chilling that I can feel myself on edge just by the sound. I hear footsteps race out of the room and I whimper, pausing when I hear Alana's voice still there.

"Stay in the closet sweetheart, Kelsei and I will be right back. Just stay in here, do not leave this room. I am not joking, this is not a time to be brat," Alana says and I nod my head even though I know she can't see it. Her voice makes me want to obey, to listen to her words without even thinking about disobeying. Is this the alpha voice that I've heard so much about? I don't like it.

"I promise," I say and that's all it takes for Alana to run out of the room, her footsteps there and gone in an instant. I try to tap into the pack mindlink but it's a swirl of chaos and confusion that gives me an almost instant headache.

I hear brief snatches of things like Rogues which sends a chill down my spine. I back away from the mindlink after a moment, a frown on my lips as I just sit in the closet. I cuddle closer into Alana and Kelsei's clothes, burying my face into their clothes.

Aphid and Nira aren't silent in my mind either. Aphid is on edge, her fur bristled up in a way that practically makes her anger and anxiety roll off of her in waves. Nira is curled up, her fur making her look like a little porcupine as she is so bristled up I can see each individual piece of fur.

I back out of my mind, finding it only makes me more and more anxious. Sitting in the dark, my mindlink closed off, should make me super anxious. I should be panicking but the combined scents of Kelsei and Alana help me drift off to sleep, my body now practically under the pile of clothes. Their scent smothers me, the weight of the clothing helping me settle down. I whine as I open my mindlink just to them, knowing that they would do that if anything bad happened. That's the last thing I do though as I drift off to sleep, my nails digging so tight into my palm that blood is running down my hand.

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