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*Isla's P.O.V*

I stare at the cloaked person, covering myself as best as I can. It was so awkward to be naked in the middle of the woods with what was probably a vampire staring at me. I mean how many people would be comfortable with that? Probably someone a lot tougher than me.

"Hello shadowy cloaked figure, do you often lurk in the woods?" Misty asks, making me give her a dirty look. Why would she talk to the cloaked figure? That seemed like a terrible idea.

"Is that any of your business?" The person speaks. The voice is soft, with a false sweetness to it that makes my skin crawl. It's as if every nerve of mine is being set on fire, making me feel like I need to distance myself as soon as possible. Aphid and Nira weren't helping, their voices were making my head split with a headache so I decided to just block them out as I stared at the figure.

"Am I not allowed to ask questions anymore? It's just curiousness," Misty says as she flicks her tail, making it come to the surface for a moment before she lets her tail float back down. I keep glancing between her and the cloaked figure, trying to decide if I should try to swim across the creek or dart off in the direction of upstream to try and find my way back home.

"I can see what you're planning little wolf, you wouldn't get that far. I'm almost positive that I could tackle you before you even left the clearing," the cloaked figure states. I glare at them, not believing they would do that.

"Try it, it's been a long time since I've tasted werewolf blood," the figures says as they remove their hood, showing a woman that looked like she was in her mid 40's. She was kind of pretty. She would have been prettier if she hadn't just threatened to drink my blood.

"Well I think it's time that I leave then so it will continue to be a long time before you drink werewolf blood," I retort to her, feeling quite uncomfortable with the way her eyes were looking over me.

"Why would I let you leave? My coven would be most cross with me if they found out I let you get away. I mean I'm sure that your blood would be...satisfactory," the woman said with a small smirk, her fangs showing slightly when her lips curl up into a smile.

"It would be satisfactory if my blood stayed inside my body," I retort, making the vampire chuckle.

"You have a little bit of fire in you, I like that. Enough to not drain you dry right now," the vampire says.

"Thank you...I think. I don't think that should be a compliment but I'll take it as one," I say after a moment, shrugging my shoulders as I glance at Misty.

"It's a total compliment, most vampires go for blood right away," Misty whispers, in a totally not a whisper voice, smiling at me.

"You're not very good at being quiet," the vampire says dryly, making me look at her with a blank look.

"Yeah, she knows," I say after a moment. "Is it true? The whole vampires can die when you stake them in the chest?" I ask while studying her. I look at the tree I had just cracked when kicking earlier, wondering if I could pry some of it apart to make a stake.

"Now why would I tell you that?" the vampire asks as she tilts her head slightly, giving me an appraising look. I cover myself more, her look making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" I question, earning a small chuckle from the vampire.

"Why? I'm just trying to figure out the best way to suck you dry," she states with a small smirk, making me glare at her. A small growl rumbles up in my chest as I hold her gaze, making her tilt her head.

" puppy going to bite me? You're already wounded, I wouldn't try anything," she says before running her tongue along her fangs, stepping closer to me. Aphid is pushing against the block I put into place but I can't let her be in control. She would want to fight and it was not a fight that either of us could win.

"She won't but if your fangs go anywhere near my mate, I will rip out your throat," Alana's voice is cold, sharp and I turn to look at her. She's standing in her human form, looking decidedly unimpressed with the vampire. I take a few steps toward, hesitating in case she is mad at me.

"Come here pup," Alana says, making me rush over to her as she opens her arms to wrap them around me. She presses a quick kiss to the top of my head as I press into her. Her body radiates heat and I enjoy the warmth of her touch.

"I am not very good at fighting," I whisper to her, feeling her hands rest on my back as I cling to her. Her fingers run over the wound on my back and I can feel the growl that vibrates her chest.

"You're not supposed to be. You're supposed to be safe and protected," Alana states. She lets go of me and I watch her take off her jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders.

"Thank you Alana," I whisper after a moment, leaning into her touch.

"This is very cute but both of you werewolves are trespassing," the vampire says, making me flinch. Alana was only trespassing because I was here, I didn't want her to be in any danger or anything.

"My mate's body was dragged downstream, I simply came to fetch her. Besides I am well aware of the vampire werewolf treaty so I know as well as you do that you can't attack either my mate or I," Alana retorts as she moves her hands lower to rest on my butt. She taps my lower legs slightly, making me glance up at her. She sighs as she suddenly lifts me up, letting me wrap my legs around her waist so that she can hold me.

"You know the laws well wolf, take your mate and leave," the vampire says, not sounding pleased that Alana knew the law so well.

"We plan on it," Alana says as she turns around. I rest my head on her shoulder, glancing at where Misty had been but she's gone. Where had she gone? I wanted to talk to her more. I would find her one day soon to talk again but for now I keep my legs wrapped around Alana's waist as she carries me back towards home.

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