First period

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Cover by:-goddesstier

Isla walked into the school, looking around curiously. "This place is huge," she muttered. "Quiet too," she said while biting her bottom lip. She studied the walls, using the signs to guide her to the office.

Isla opened the door and walked in, heading to the office. "Hi, I'm Isla Taylor," she said to thr secretary sitting behind the desk.

"You're late Ms. Taylor," the woman said as she looked up.

"Sorry, I forgot I was starting school today," Isla shrugged simply. It wasn't her fault after all, her parents were the ones who moved them to this town in the middle of nowhere cause it was 'safer'.

"Yes well try not to do it again," the secretary rollled her eyes as she printed out the girl's schedule. "Now Mrs. Black wants to see you," she said.

"I already have to go to the principal's office and it's my first day," Isla groaned as she sighed. "This school already sucks," she mumbled under her breath as she walked past the secretary to the principal's office.

"Come in," a woman's voice said, sounding none to pleased. Isla winced when she realized that the office door had been open the entire time.

"Hello ma'am," Isla said as she entered the office, smiling brightly. 'Fake it til you make it,' she thought idly.

"You're late Ms. Taylor," the woman, Mrs. Black is what her name plate said. Her hair was a silky brown color and she had dark brown eyes. It made a stark difference between her and Isla, with her red, curly hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry Mrs. Black, I forgot I had school," Isla shrugged simply as she tucked a strand of her red hair back.

"I heard," Mrs. Black said as she frowned. "Now, since it's your first day I'll let you off with a warning, if your late again then it will be detention. Am I understood?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am, you're understood," Isla nodded her head as she bit her bottom lip. 'Like I care about detention,' she thought.

"Your mother described you as much more hyper so I am a bit...surprised at how calm you are," Mrs. Black said.

"I am far more hyper than this, it's just the first day. You'll get to see my crazy soon enough. I'll probably be in your office again by the end of the week," Isla grinned.

"I would rather you not end up back in my office," Mrs. Black frowned slightly. "Atleast for bad behavior," she said. "You're free to go now," she said.

"Bye," Isla smiled as she left Mrs. Black's office and grabbed her schedule before leaving. She looked at her schedule before heading to her first class.

It took her a bit to find it. Once she did, she knocked on the classroom door. It opened after a moment revealing an older man who didn't look to happy. "You must be Ms. Taylor," he said.

"That's me," Isla smiled slightly. "If you're going to say I'm late, I know. I've already been to the principal's office," she said.

"Well hurry up and find a seat. The person your sitting next to will be your partner for the rest of the year," the man said.

"Alright," Isla said as she looked around before deciding to sit by a girl in the back, ignoring all of the confused and surprised looks. "Hi, I'm Isla," she whispered to the girl.

"I know," the girl rolled her eyes. "I'm Alicia, Alicia Black," she said.

"So the principal's daughter?" Isla asked curiously as she tilted her head.

"Yes," Alicia sighed. Isla could see the same facial structure as Mrs. Black in Alicia but Alicia had black hair and silverish eyes with a darker skin tone. "Why did you sit by me? There are other spots," she said.

"Because you seem fun," Isla said as she smiled softly. "And how cold you come off makes me think you may be nicer than you're acting," she said.

"Well you're wrong so leave me alone," Alicia said. "Besides aren't you scared I'll get you in trouble with my mom?" She asked.

"Nope, I'll get myself in trouble without your help so it doesn't really matter," Isla shrugged simply as she got out a sketchbook and a pen.

"What are you doing?" Alicia asked as she frowned slightly.

"I'm gonna draw. This class already bores me," Isla sighed as she started to open up her sketchbook.

Alicia froze suddenly and put her hand on one of the pages. "What made you draw them?" She asked gesturing to a colored drawing of two female wolves.

"I dreamed of them," Isla said as she pushed Alicia's hand off of her sketchbook. "Why do you ask?" She questioned curiously.

"No reason, I was just curious if they were something you saw on TV." Alicia said as she bit her bottom lip.

"Well no I haven't seen them on TV. I don't really watch TV, I usually watch youtube," Isla explained as she opened to an empty page.

"Alright," Alicia said as she pulled out her phone and sent a text which Isla couldn't read, not that she wanted to.
"I'm sorry for being so rude a little bit ago, most people are only nice because they think I can get them out of trouble and get them perks," Alicia explained.

"I'd never do that. I knew you'd come around, besides we're partners for the rest of the school year so we better get along," Isla said as she started to doodle. Just as she finished doodling a cat and a mouse the bell rang. "Damn it, already?" She asked.

"You were late," Alicia pointed out as she got up. "Meet me in the cafeteria for lunch alright?" She asked.

"Alright," Isla nodded as she watched Alicia leave while trying to figure out where her next class was. "Today is going to be long, I can feel it," she said.

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