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*Isla's P.O.V*

Kelsei and Alana spent the night with me, snuggling with me in the hospital bed I had been placed in. Nira basked in their attention as she took over for a bit which was a bit embarrassing since she begged for their praise. Kelsei and Alana gladly gave her all the attention she wanted.

'She embarrasses me sometimes,' Aphid said as she smiled softly. 'Although I do have to agree that this attention is quite lovely,' she stated, making me smile slightly.

'Of course you like the attention,' I teased as I giggled softly. While the praise was lovely, I didn't like the fact that it made me all squirmy. It made me blush and whine which only made them tease and praise me more.

"You're such a good little kitten," Alana said as she kissed the tip of my nose. I whined softly while trying to turn away, only for Kelsei to attack my face with kisses.

"You're such a good girl, you just need to learn to accept the fact that you're our little kitten," Kelsei said as she patted my bottom. I buried my face into her chest earning a small coo. "Oh don't hide from me baby," she murmured while kissing the top of my head.

"You've embarrassed our little kitten to the point that I can't even see her face," Alana stated as she rubbed my back. "Now she's our little turtle, hiding in her shell," she teased, making me whine again.

"You two are supposed to be nice to me, I am your mate," I said as I swatted both of their hands away from me.

"Don't hit us kitten, you may find out that there are consequences for that," Kelsei stated as she kissed the top of my head gently and repeatedly. "Like being smothered in our kisses," she said with a chuckle. Alana joined in and left me feeling embarrassed with a blush covering my entire face.

"Poor kitten," Alana chuckled. She pulled me away from Kelsei, letting me lay on top of her as I hid my face into her breasts. "You like hiding your face in my boobs?" Alana asked, making me nod. "So that's something both you and Kelsei like," she teased making me whine as I lifted my head while looking at Kelsei.

"Mine," I said as I hid my face back into Alana's breasts.

"I was there first," Kelsei said. "And if they're yours why have I got to see them so much," she teased, making me growl playfully at her as I looked up. She growled back before kissing the tip of my nose. "Such a good and playful kitten," she said. I noticed that they seemed to be trying to distract me from the slight pain in my hand. It still flared up sometimes and made me want to scream and cry but I pushed that down to avoid worrying them.

"She is a good and playful kitten," Alana said, making me blush as I smiled softly. "You're such a pretty kitten," she stated with a small smile.

"You two are meanies," I said as I turned over and hid my face into the pillow. They chuckled as they cuddled with me, pulling the thin hospital blanket over all three of us.

'They love us so much,' Nira said with a small smile. 'They are very good at showing it too,' she stated.

'Hey Isla?' Aphid said, getting my attention. 'Should we test out your parents mindlinks?' she questioned, making me nod.

'I guess so,' I said after a moment. I concentrated on the mindlinks and felt it start to connect. The links seemed to glow golden for a second as I focused on them and felt a small surge of electricity go through them. One of them opened up after a moment and I frowned slightly.

'Who is this?' a goldish colored wolf asked, making me stutter for an answer. 'Pup?' she questioned as she approached me slowly, her eyes widening before she tackled me slightly. 'Oh my pup,' she murmured as she licked my face gently.

'Ack,' I said as I turned my head away slightly. 'Gross,' I murmured, earning a soft chuckle from the wolf as she got off of me and backed up slightly.

'I'm sorry pup, I forgot that affection may not be well reciprocated at your age,' she stated. 'I and my human did not know that you were still alive, your mindlink wasn't working at all,' she said softly as she bowed her head down with a frown. 'Ah I forgot to introduce myself. I am Aureum,' she said.

'I am Isla,' I said, making her cock her head before she nodded slowly. 'Is that the wrong thing to say?' I questioned.

'It's just that...that wasn't the name we had picked out for you. The name we had picked out was Regina, Latin for Queen,' Aureum explained.

'Is your name Latin too?' I asked, earning a nod from her.

'My name is Latin for golden because of my coat color,' she said with a smile. 'My mate's name is Imperium which is Latin for Power,' she stated proudly.

'Are your humans names Latin too?' I asked hesitantly, making her grin as she nodded her head quickly.

'My human's name is Imperatrix,' she informed me. 'It's Latin for Empress. My mate's humans name is Caesar which is Latin for Emperor,' she stated with a grin.

'Those names are quite hard to say. Is Latin a common theme for names?' I asked softly.

'Of course it is. Latium is where both of our family's originated from so we like to stick to our roots when naming our pups,' she said. 'Would you like to meet your mother?' she questioned. I nodded and it felt like the mind shifted some.

'What's going on Aureum?' a woman's voice asked as she appeared in the mindlink. 'Did you figure out what was happening with the mindlink?' she questioned. The woman had dark red hair and green eyes. I ran over to her and jumped onto her, hugging her tightly. She gasped as she hugged back before sitting me down to look at me better. 'Regina?' she asked as she pulled me into a tight hug.

'The one and only,' I said as I clutched onto her. 'Although I kind of go by Isla since that's what the people who raised me called me,' I explained, earning a small growl from her.

'Don't mention those bastards ever again,' she said as her eyes darkened.

'Why?' I questioned softly as I tilted my head.

'Because I don't want a reminder of those who broke my trust and brought down my pack,' she said as she rested her head against mine and I could see the pain in her eyes.

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