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So I will be doing mass updates again, all within a few minutes of each other because it's easier for me to remember which story needs to be updated and that way, you all have to wait the same out of time on each story for me to upload it.

*Isla's P.O.V*

I went to my bedroom and sat down on my bed with a small smile. I flopped back as I stretched out on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. 'Fuck, Alana and Kelsei do things to me,' I thought as I lay there a permanent smile on my face. I already missed them and I hadn't even been gone that long so I guess I was clingy but there's nothing wrong with that. 

I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them again it was night time. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, looking around. I checked my phone to see that it was close to midnight which sucked because it meant Kelsei and Alana were probably asleep so I shouldn't mind link them because what if they got mad at me. I hated when people were angry at me so I hardly ever did anything that could upset people unless I felt like doing something and didn't want to listen.

I crawled across my bed and pushed my window open, swinging my leg out. Midnight seemed to be the perfect time to go on a walk and Nira agreed with me. Aphid didn't think it was a good idea but it was a two to one vote so we were doing it anyways. I tried to gracefully land on my feet as I put my other leg out the window but I ended up on the ground, landing face down. I rubbed my nose as I got up and walked off quickly, feeling embarrassed as Nira snickered at me.

'Please let us shift into my form, I want to roam the woods,' Nira begged making me sigh and contemplate it. I reluctantly agreed and ducked behind a tree so that I could shift. I felt my bones crack and rearrange so while it hurt quite a lot, it was slightly more tolerable then my first shift. I dropped down onto all fours and watched my hands shrink and get covered with fur. I felt my mouth and nose grow longer and they joined together into a muzzle which was covered with white fur.

I sighed once the shift was done and looked around. 'It's so pretty when we're this small and it's sort of intimidating too,' I told Nira and Aphid as I started to walk. It felt weird to walk on four legs but I got used to the movement and didn't fall down that much. My ears flicked when I heard the sound of grass being chewed on to the left of me. I sniffed the air and this meaty scent filled my nose making me practically purr at the scent.

'Rabbit,' Aphid told me as she pushed for control making me get down into a crouch position. I slowly and carefully moved forward, my tail curled up over my back. I moved towards the sound slowly with a small grin on my muzzle. 'Attack, jump on it. Break its spine,' she chanted as she pushed for control again making me jump through the bush. I landed on the rabbit which was quite large and I bit at its neck on instinct. It tried to get away while moving around but I bit down harder, dragging my claws into its fur. I scratched at the spine of the rabbit, finally hearing it break as I stood on top of it. I let go of its neck and stood there panting.

'We did so good,' Nira stated as I stared down at the rabbit. Its beady black eyes stared up at me lifelessly and I could feel the warmth radiating off of its corpse. I closed my eyes and tried to shake the image out of my head but the rabbit's eyes followed me into my mind.

'Keep your eyes closed,' Aphid said as I made her take control. I felt hunger stir in me as I heard and felt my mouth opening and ripping into the rabbit. I tried to ignore how it felt as I ate from the rabbit, finishing after a bit. I licked my lips clean once I was done or well Aphid made us and then she had me grab a rib bone which snapped off rather easily. 'Is a treat for later or maybe a gift for mates,' she explained as we walked away from the rabbit, leaving its half eaten body on the ground. 'Birds will eat rest,' she told me as we walked through the woods, the bone clenched in my mouth.

'That was quite satisfying, bit weird feeling though,' Nira said making me nod in agreement.

'It's because you are a pup," Aphid said simply. 'Pup forms like yours don't get straight meat like that. Normally you would depend on your parents to feed you by bringing back already chewed up food and regurgitating it,' Aphid explained making me cringe and shake my head.

'Yes that's true, I forgot that,' Nira said making me sigh. 'It's been thousand years since I've been put with a human,' she told me making my eyes widen.

'Thousand of years? Damn you're old,' I told her making her snort. 'It's true,' I grumbled as I ducked under a low hanging branch. 'Also so would our or your parents actually be feeding us since we're werewolves?' I asked.

'Only in human terms, I'm always going to be young in wolfy terms,' Nira told me. 'Yes but for some reason our parents are human which is odd. We should look into that. Anyways when it comes to Omegas we usually remain in the care of our parents until the age of 20 and then we usually get the other wolfs mate aka Aphid's mate that by then are ready for us to live with them,' Nira explained.

I nodded and looked in confusion when I entered a clearing. I frowned as I realized I had made it to the packs house. I walked up the steps and went to the door, scratching it slightly. The door opened and I slipped inside, looking at Mrs. Black who was looking at me.

"Let's get you to Kelsei and Alana," she said as she picked me up. "Nice bone little one," she said as she carried me up the stairs and walked down the hall. She opened a bedroom door and entered the room, carrying me over to the bed. She plopped me down before leaving. I crawled up the bed and lay between Kelsei and Alana, gnawing on my bone as Kelsei rolled over and pulled close in her sleep.

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