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*Isla's P.O.V*

I ended up sleeping most of the day, getting up at around 11'oclock at night. I got out of bed and sloppily made it, going over to my window. I locked the window with a small sigh as I leaned against the window, feeling the cool glass on my skin.

'Are you okay Isla?' Aphid questioned me, making me shrug my shoulders as I closed my eyes.

'No, I feel hot all over,' I replied as I brushed a loose strand of my hair touch my back, jumping at the sudden color. Sometimes I forgot I was a red head so my hair would startle me. I sighed making the glass fog up which sent a chill up my spine. "I can't wait for fall, I want hot chocolate and candy canes," I said.

'Maybe you should take some Tylenol to cool down,' Aphid suggested, making me nod my head as I straightened up. 'I don't see why you humans like candy canes, they're disgusting,' she said.

'Take that back,' Nira chimed in with a huff escaping her. 'Candy canes are delicious and if you say otherwise than you're a liar or a dumb bitch,' she said, making me laugh softly as I opened my bedroom door.

'I'm neither of those things,' Aphid replied as she rolled her eyes. 'I just speak of the truth and you don't like that,' she said with a small smirk.

'Sure,' Nira rolled her eyes. I blocked them out as I heard my parents talking in the living room. I crept slowly along the wall, testing each floorboard before putting my foot fully down.

"Well if we got divorced then I'm not paying alimony," I could hear my dad say making me freeze up. Why would they even be talking about divorce?

"Well what about child support?" My mom asked, making me frown. I could hear the clink of a beer can hitting the table and I could smell the alcohol, although I think that was only because I was a werewolf.

"Well where is his child support for her?" I heard my dad ask, making me pause as I tried to compute what he just said as tears pricked my eyes.

'Isla,' Aphid's voice rang in my head as my vision blurred. I backed away from the door and ran to my room, shutting the door. I didn't care if they heard me, I couldn't even think at this point. I locked the door, going to my bed and flopping down on it. I heard footsteps heading towards my room but I ignored. My door handle rattled which aggravated Aphid for some reason.

"Isla," my mom said, making me growl under my breath. I sat up and stared at my door, waiting for her to go away. "Isla we need to talk," she stated.

"What do we need to talk about? The fact that you lied to me my entire life about who my dad is?" I asked as I felt Aphid trying to push herself to the surface.

"You don't understand," my mom said. "I think we need to talk," she said and I could hear her nails messing the doorknob before the door opened. "Look Isla," she started to say. I threw my pillow at her which hit her in the stomach.

"Get the hell out," I said with a frown on my lips as I glared at her. "You lied to me my entire life," I stated with a huff escaping my lips. I saw my dad or I guess Michael standing behind her.

"Look, let me talk to her," he said, making Aphid growl internally. I closed my eyes to keep her in control as I took a deep breath. "Look I may not be your biological dad but you're still my daughter, I raised you" he stated. I stayed silent as Aphid tried to claw to the surface.

"You raised me? You called what you did raising me?" I asked with a frown. "You came home from work everyday and went straight to your room. The only time you came out of your room was to watch the news on the big TV in the living room. You didn't raise me, my mother did," I stated with a frown.

"She isn't even your mom. Your mom gave you up for adoption," he stated, making me look at my mom.

"Michael," my mom said as she glared at him. "Sweetheart, we were going to tell you. We just didn't know how to tell you," she stated.

"Get the hell out of my room," I said as I glared at them both. "Get out," I said, my voice echoing lowly. They both left my room and I felt Aphid surge through the surface as my eyesight dimmed down.

'How dare they! I'll rip their fucking throats out,' she growled angrily. 'Are you okay human?' she asked as she circled me as I shut down mentally.

'You're stressing her out,' Nira stated as she crawled into my lap. I could feel a small pushing at my mental barrier. 'It's your mates,' she said with a smile. I let my mental barrier down and Kelsei and Alana's voices flooded my mind.

'What's wrong kitten?' Alana asked, her voice full of concern as I could hear her wolf straining to come out as well. I stayed silent and just shook my head with a small frown on my lips.

'Her parents aren't her parents,' Nira explained as she curled up on my lap. I could hear their words but my mind melted their words away. I shut down and blocked them back out, curling up into a ball. I closed my eyes and tried not to focus on my parents. I felt a small tingle as it seemed like two mindlinks seemed to form. They seemed distant but familiar.

'Whose mindlinks just formed?' I questioned with a frown on my lips. I could feel Aphid lean towards exploring them, her stance protective.

'It branches out like many that I've seen, usually the parent mindlinks are the only ones that branch out like that,' Aphid said, making me blanch slightly as I felt my body shut down, every mindlink crumbling away.

Anyways moral of the story, don't talk about your kids bio dad when your kid is there or else they may find out about the fact they have a different dad then they thought. Still holding that grudge since it's only been a few months.

So anyways, Isla's dad will be based off the man who 'raised' me. However Isla's mom is in no way based off my mother who is a wonderful woman.

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