Chapter 2 - Confusion

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Corbett's POV

Sitting alone is so peaceful. I thank myself for getting to the great hall right as lunch begins.

No loud chewers, no yelling across tables. Just fresh food and some background noise with a few groups talking.

"CORBETT!" I look up to see one of my roommates, Imelda, headed towards me. "You took off after class so I didn't get a chance to talk with you." She takes the seat next to me. "Next DADA class, you need to come sit with me. I got stuck next to an absolute moron today."


We both sit quietly as we add food to our plates. I enjoy Imelda's company. She's a bit obnoxious with certain subjects but overall her attitude and competitive nature remind me of Mother.

Scooping my final selection of sides, our table suddenly fills in an instant. Looking around, most of the faces are familiar to me.

To my side I see Sebastian leaning on his elbow grinning at me. He is sitting far too close. Not acknowledging his uncomfortable stare and posture, I look straight forward to see Garreth Weasley across from me. He offers a soft smile as he starts grabbing food for his plate.

I cannot ignore the dramatic difference in how Garreth carefully selects his items and how Sebastian snatches and spills things as if he's just throwing food on his plate.

The differences grow even more so when I once again lose my appetite upon witnessing Sebastian eat. Tiny crumbs and bits of food falling from his mouth as his elbows continue to inch further and further into my space. Looking forward at Garreth, he eats slowly and quietly with his mouth closed. So not all men eat like pigs here. Just Sebastian.

Unable to eat my now contaminated plate, I grab an apple and dinner roll from in front of Imelda's section of the table and get up quietly. I will head to the Library to read for a while before my next class begins.


Waking up to the sound of my alarm, I drag myself from bed. It is far too early. How do these students manage?

My dorm is already empty from everyone at breakfast, as I opted to sleep in more before class. I'm not that hungry in the mornings anyways.

Grabbing a quick shower, I cast a drying charm on my hair and braid a small strand up the right side. I pull up all my hair into a high ponytail, causing the braid to extend from the top of my ear, all the way back to the hair ribbon.

Grabbing my bag and map, I walk out to find the Potions classroom.

It does not take long to locate the class given its close proximity to the Slytherin common room. Entering, I am waved over by Hector and Sebastian who are sharing a cauldron station. Sliding into the empty station across from them, as soon as I set my textbook down, I turn to see a body already moving into the seat next to mine. Garreth.

"Good morning, Corbett." He flashes his cheerful smile next to me as he opens his textbook.

"Good morning, Garreth." I keep my eyes down, opening to a random page to hopefully prevent myself from getting into a conversation. I am not good with small talk and he is definitely a talker.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks as he leans in a bit closer.


"That's good. We missed you at breakfast."

I turn my head, locking eyes with him. No one here knows me, how could I have possibly been missed? I scrunch my eyebrows the smallest amount trying to figure out what he means.

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now